Rev. 12/2020
Department of Insurance and Financial Services
Office of Consumer Services
P.O. Box 30220
Lansing, MI 48909
Other Sources:
A National or Federal Savings Bank:
Comptroller of the Currency
(Houston, TX)
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
A Federal Credit Union:
National Credit Union Administration
A Vehicle Dealer (other than financing):
Department of State
Bureau of Information Security (BIS)
Investigations and Inspections Support
Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services
DIFS is an equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations
are available upon request to the individuals with disabilities.
Visit DIFS online at: or call DIFS toll-free at
Guide to Resolving
Problems with a
Financial Institution
or Consumer Lender
Rev. 12/2020
When You Have a Dispute with a
Company or Financial Institution:
Use the attached form to file a complaint with
the Department of Insurance and Financial
Services (DIFS) if you are in a dispute with a
company or institution. It outlines DIFS'
complaint process, offers ways to resolve
your dispute, and explains how DIFS can
help. You may also file a complaint online at
DIFS Regulatory Authority:
We have authority over the following:
Mortgage transactions
Vehicle loans
Payday lenders
Personal loans
Money transfers
State chartered banks
State chartered credit unions
Debt management transactions
First Contact the Company or
If you disagree with the company or
institution, contact them directly.
Speak with a management
representative to try to find a solution.
Explain the problem in a calm,
courteous manner.
Provide dates, amounts, and as many
related facts as you can.
If you still do not agree with the company or
institution, ask them to provide you with a
written response. Request they include
specific laws, copies
of documents you signed, or explain the
reasons or facts, which might support their
How DIFS Can Help:
If you are still dissatisfied after contacting the
company, contact DIFS' Office of Consumer
Services to ask questions or to file a written
complaint by completion of this form. You may
also file a complaint online at
Your complaint is based on the documents
you submit. Be sure to include all pertinent
information, such as:
Name of the company and/or
institution involved in the dispute.
Loan/account number and property
address associated with the complaint.
Details of any previous contact with
your company and/or institution
regarding the matter.
Copies of documents that help verify or
explain the problem.
Always send copies.
Please do not send original
Once you file a complaint, DIFS will respond
to your complaint by doing the following:
Contacting the company or institution
to obtain a written response.
Confirming the company or
institution named in your complaint
are performing as required under
your contract and the law.
Helping you understand options that
may be available to you.
You will receive a copy of all
correspondence received during DIFS'
review of your complaint as well as a letter
explaining our findings.
If you have questions, disagree with our
findings, or have additional information that
was not included with your original
complaint, you may submit the information
to us for further review.
Please understand that our complaints are
thoroughly reviewed; however, we may not
be able to provide you with the exact results
you desire. We hope through our complaint
process we can help you understand the
options available to you and the contract
language or the laws that may apply.