Graduate School Curriculum Vitae Procedures and Sample
Typically Speaking:
Curriculum Vitae
Outline your relevant work,
academic, and volunteer
Summary of educational and professional
experiences including publications,
presentations, professional associations,
activities and honors
One page at the undergraduate level
Generally three or more pages for
professionals; two pages for
undergraduate students is common
Connect strengths: your knowledge,
skills, abilities and achievements, to
a specific position or company
Comprehensive biographical
documentation of professional life
Use an Objective
Used in these types
of applications:
Professional experiences
Academic positions, graduate school
admissions, graduate assistantships
Adapted from Penn State Career Services at University Park
Professional licenses or certification
Academic or professional presentations
Education: post graduate, graduate and
undergraduate degree
Related extracurricular activities
Listing of relevant course work
Professional and association memberships
Educational or Professional awards
Community involvement
Research, laboratory experience and
related skills
Work experience - paid or volunteer
Description of thesis or dissertation,
papers written
Technical and specialized skills
Foreign language
Travel / exposure to cultural experiences as
related to goals
Adapted from Penn State Career Services at University Park
Remember an undergraduate student applying to graduate studies usually has a two or three page
Start with the sections listed above and follow the same process as building your resume.
Campbell Trippe, (555) 555-5555, [email protected]u 2
Campbell Trippe
123 Main Road
Anywhere, CA 22222
(555) 555-5555
B.S., Psychology-Concentration in Human Factors May 2017
The Pennsylvania State University, Erie, PA, GPA 3.69; Major GPA: 3.94
Undergraduate Research Assistant Spring 2014 - Present
Visualization Assessment and Training Lab, Pennsylvania State University
Completed IRB training and conducted 2 behavioral studies while assisting in writing 2 grants
Analyzed data in SPSS and presented research at 2 conferences
Assisted in training 4 Research Assistants
Psychology Lab Attendant Spring 2014 - Present
Psychology Lab, Pennsylvania State University
Directed students to faculty offices, greeted, cleaned computer monitors and keyboards, answer
general questions
Intern Summer 2016
David Sarkus International, Pittsburgh, PA
Conducted extensive research related to human factors, industrial/organizational psychology topics,
and business operations
Aided in preparation of a research paper for publication
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant Fall 2016 - Present
Elementary Statistics in Psychology (Psych 200), Pennsylvania State University
Tutored individual students, held study sessions and exam reviews
Research Grants
Trippe, C., Ohio, B., Senat, A., Blasko, D. (Supervisor), & Lum, H. (Supervisor). (Summer 2016). Navigating
your way through a virtual world. Pennsylvania State University, Undergraduate Research Grant.
$3,500. Funded.
Amic, E., Trippe, C., Almy, D., Smith, F., & Kazmerski, V. (Supervisor). (Spring 2016). A less social you: Is
social media affecting your well-being? Pennsylvania State University, Undergraduate Research
Grant. $320 Funded.
White, M., Trippe, C., Otto, H, Blasko, D. (Supervisor), & Lum, H. (Supervisor). (Spring 2015). Finding
your way in the world: The role of spatial intelligence. Pennsylvania State University, Undergraduate
Research Grant. $2,100. Funded.
Campbell Trippe, (555) 555-5555, [email protected]u 3
Conference Papers and Presentations
Trippe, C., Bowser, N., Dodds, D., Benedict, J, Blasko-Drabik, H., Ohashi, M., Blasko, D., & Lum, H.
(Spring 2016). Navigating your way through a virtual world. Poster session presented at Penn State
Behrend Sigma Xi Research and Creative Accomplishment Conference, Erie, PA.
Trippe, C., Harris, M., Bowser, N., Dodds, D., Mink, K., Blasko, D., & Lum, H. (Spring 2015). Navigating the
STEM world: Psychological readiness, flexible mindset, and self-efficacy in spatial performance. Paper presented at
the Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Erie, PA.
Relevant Coursework
Engineering Psychology
Introduction to Programming Technology: C++
Introduction to Elementary Statistics
Calculus with Analytic Geometry 1
Human Factors Psychology
Cross Cultural Psychology
Introduction to Sensation and Perception
Honors Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
Introduction to Developmental Psychology
Basic Research Methods in Psychology
Advanced Research Projects in Psychology
Animal Minds
Honors Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Game Design
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Honors and Awards
First Place, Poster Presentation Spring 2016
Received award at Penn State Behrend Sigma Xi Research and Creative Accomplishment Conference
Dean’s List Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016
Student Leadership Roles
Treasurer Spring 2015 Present
Behrend Students Against Violence Everywhere (S.A.V.E.)
President Fall 2015 Spring 2016, Membership Vice President Fall 2014-Spring 2015
Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority, Eta Xi Chapter
Student Memberships
Academic Affairs Committee, Member Fall 2016 - Present
Pennsylvania State University
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), Student Member Fall 2015 Present
Service and Outreach
24 For A Cure November 2013/14/15
Danced in 24-hour Penn State Behrend dance marathon to raise funds for the Pennsylvania State
University THON dance to benefit children with cancer
TWLOHA Event November 2013
Brought the To Write Love On Her Arms campaign to Pennsylvania State University, Erie, PA