Curriculum Vitae
Career Connections | Office of Teacher Education
WW Wright Building, Suite 1000
For an appointment with a Job Search Advisor, call 812-856-8506 or email
Revised Fall 2016 by Helena C. Flores, Graduate Assistant
Using a Curriculum Vitae
What is a Curriculum Vitae?
A curriculum vitae (CV) is the traditional standard for presenting your qualifications for
academic employment. This generally holds true for all teaching, research, and administrative
positions in higher education. A professional CV can be rather lengthy and is typically
inappropriate for most other jobs in the public and private sector. With your CV, you should
include a detailed letter of application that specifically addresses skills, knowledge, and abilities
required by any job announcement.
How is a CV different from a resume?
Length! Beginner resumes will usually be from one to two pages in length. CVs often begin at
three pages and can be as long as needed. Length, however, is not the determinant of a
successful CV. Present all the relevant information you can, but try to make it as concise as
possible. Another difference is the goal of a resume is to construct a professional identity, the
goal of a CV is to construct a scholarly identity. With that being said your CV will need to reflect
your abilities as a teacher, researcher, and publishing scholar within your discipline.
Information to include in your CV
In most cases, the CV replaces the job application form. This means that the CV is your primary
means of presenting your qualifications for a position. The exact format will vary, but you may
want to ask a graduate advisor or professor for a copy of his or her CV to use a basic model.
Notwithstanding the issue of style, the following information should be included in every CV:
Name, address, phone numbers, email addresses
Objective A specific position title.
Academic Preparation Conferral dates and degree titles of all degrees.
Work Experience Include teaching, research, & Graduate Assistantships
Publications, Presentations, and Papers include current submissions
Performances, Exhibitions, and Compositions
Current research interests
Grants awarded, worked on, or revised
Languages and international travel
Professional memberships
Honors and Awards
Professional service and consultations
Relevant leadership experience (Being president of the high school chess club is probably
not relevant, but being treasurer of the graduate student association probably is!)
Specific skills Lab techniques and equipment, computer programs and languages,
Technology and other technical skills
The preceding list should not be considered as complete. Again, looking at a CV from and
advisor or professor in your specific field may illuminate other areas that should be included.
Remember that phone numbers and email addresses should be “permanent.” Phone numbers
should have voicemail enabled with a professional message for callers. A well-constructed,
content-rich CV will do no good, if prospective employers cannot reach you.
Using a Curriculum Vitae (continued)
Information NOT to include in your CV
An otherwise well-constructed CV can quickly become a liability for you if it includes irrelevant
information. Generally, the following information should be excluded.
Ethnic identity
Political affiliation
Religious preference
Marital status
Sexual orientation
Place of birth
Height, weight, health
Format and Quality
Remember when working on your CV, that there is not one standard format. A good CV is one
that emphasizes the points that are considered to be most important in your discipline.
When it comes to electronic standards, generic word processing programs are generally
acceptable. It is recommended that CV’s be saved in either MS Word or Adobe PDF format. You
just want to make sure that your CV can be opened with the majority of the current software
systems. Commercial copy stores will take electronic files (via email or USB) and make multiple
copies professional quality printers. For most applications, however, an inkjet or home laser
printer will produce acceptable copies.
Paper Quality
Always use standard white, ivory, or neutral 8.5 x 11 inch heavyweight paper. Keep in mind that
colored paper and ink may look hazy after copying. Departments will oftentimes make multiple
copies of a CV and distribute it all the members of a search committee. While royal blue or apple
red may look great, there is a greater likelihood that they will pose difficulties in the copying
process, and may also not look quite as professional.
Double-Siding and Footers
Never “double-side” a CV or resume. If the prospective department is photocopying the CV, they
may omit the backside of a page. In this case, search committee members will only receive
partial information about you. Additionally, always place a cumulative footer at the bottom of
the page. A cumulative footer tells the reader which page they are on out of a certain total of
pages. The footer is most appropriately placed in the lower center or right hand corner of the
page and may be in smaller font size.
Font style and size
The most commonly used fonts are “Times New Roman” or “Helvetica/Arial.” The actual choice
is a matter of taste and preference. Point size should be no less than 10 points, but not greater
than 12 points. Do not overuse boldface, italics, and underlining, however occasional use should
guide the eye and help the reader find useful information.
Retrieved 5/10/06 and adapted from
Writing an Effective Curriculum Vitae
Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)?
The primary differences are:
A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience, and education.
A goal of resume writing is to be brief and concise since, at best, the resume reader will spend a
minute or so reviewing your qualifications.
A CV, on the other hand, is a longer (three or more pages), more detailed synopsis
of your accomplishments. It includes a summary of your educational and academic
backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards,
honors, affiliations and other details.
When to use a CV
In the United States, a curriculum vitae is used primarily when applying for international,
academic, education, scientific or research positions, or when applying for fellowships or grants.
As with a resume, you may need different versions of a CV for different type of positions.
What to include in your CV
Start by making a list of all your background information, then organize it into categories. Make
sure you include dates on all experiences and publications. A CV should include:
Your name
Contact information
Research and teaching experience
Grants and fellowships
Professional associations and licenses
Other information relevant to the
position that you are applying for
Important points to consider
When preparing an effective CV, Colorado College’s Career Center suggests that it should be:
Clear - well-organized and logical
Concise - relevant and necessary
Consistent - don't mix styles or fonts
Current - up-to-date
Complete - includes everything you need
Constructing Work Description Entries
Two strategies to consider when writing a CV are gapping and parallelism. Gapping is when you
use bullet points rather than summary paragraphs to present information as clearly, concisely,
and rapidly. Instead of writing, "I taught journalism for six years, while also planning classes
and coaching, graded papers, and created formative and summative assessments. I also met
with students to answer any questions," you might consider, "Journalism Instructor (2010-
2016). Planned course activities. Coached Field Hockey Graded all assignments. Held regular
study sessions with students." By using this method you are able to cut out unnecessary words
and allow your reader to see what you have been accomplishing in quickly.
Parallelism is also important for writing a strong CV. You will want to keep the structure of your
phrases and/or sentences consistent throughout your document. For example, if you decide to
implement verb phrases in one section of your CV to describe your experiences, aim to use them
throughout the entirety of your CV. Also make sure that the structure of your phrases is parallel.
This will help the reader understand what you are communicating more effectively.
Retrieved 5/10/06 and adapted from
Purdue Writing Lab. (2013, April 18). Welcome to the Purdue OWL. Retrieved October 27, 2016, from
William Isaac Thomas
Office: Sproul Hall 1207, School of Education
University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
Home: 9431 Soloma Drive, Riverside, CA 92507
OBJECTIVE: Assistant Professor, Special Education
Ph.D. in Education, School of Education, University of California, Riverside, 2002
Concentrations: Special Education, Educational Psychology
Dissertation: A Methodological Study of the Self-Concepts of Fourth Grade Gifted
Advisor: Dr. Donald MacMillan
M.A. in Education, Faculty in Education, Claremont Graduate School, 1999
Concentrations: Educational Psychology, Language Development and Reading
Thesis: Interpersonal Communication Skills of Language Impaired Children
Advisor: Dr. Harley Davidson
Special Education Specialist Credential, University of Redlands, CA, 1997
Multiple-Subjects Credential, California State University Long Beach, CA, 1996
B.A. in Psychology, California State University, Long Beach, CA, 1995
Concentrations: Learning Theory, Psycholinguistics
A.A. in Liberal Studies, Crafton Hills College, Yucaipa, CA 1993
- Utilized SPSS and SAS statistical programs extensively
- Survey and evaluation research techniques
- Fluent in English and French
- Can read some German and Spanish
Supervisor of Teacher Education,1999-present
School of Education, University of California, Riverside
-Supervising student teachers and interns who are working on multiple-subjects and
special education teaching credentials
Instructor, Summer Sessions, 2000-2001
School of Education, University of California, Riverside
Course: The Exceptional Child
Teaching Assistant, Spring 1999
Faculty in Education, Claremont Graduate School
Courses: Advanced Statistics, Introduction to Learning Disabilities
Teaching Assistant, Spring 1999
Faculty in Education, Claremont Graduate School
Courses: Tests and Measurement, Casework in Special Education
Research Assistant, Fall 1998
Faculty in Education, Claremont Graduate School
- Assisted Dr. James Kleagle on the Inland Valleys Special Education Project
- Collected and analyzed survey data, using the SPSS program
Public School Teacher, 1996-1998
Long Beach Unified School District, Long Beach, CA
Special Education, Grades 3 and 12
Peer Counselor, 1995-1996
Developmental Disabilities Immersion Program
California State University, Long Beach, CA
Thomas, W.I. (1998), Effects of Standardized Achievement Testing on Self-Concepts of Middle School
Children. Clearing House, 23(1), 986-989.
Thomas W.I. and S.I. Freud (1997), Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Case Study. The Exceptional Child,
53(1), 17-20.
Thomas, W.I. (1997), Book review of Mainstreaming and Its Detractors (Harold Smith, Ed., Dubuque,
Iowa: Kendall Company, 1996) in Education Forum 135(4), April.
P. 2 of 4
- Interaction of Verbal and Nonverbal Communications Among Learning Handicapped Fourth Graders
- The Great Debate: A Qualitative Analysis of Reading Instruction
Sociometric Keys to Learning. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Learning Disabilities,
San Diego, CA, 2000
Critical Thinking and Reading. Presented at the 57th Annual Conference of the California State
Federation Council for Exceptional Children, San Luis Obispo, CA, 1999
Retention and Prime-Time Television. Presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Gifted
and Talented Children, San Antonio, TX, 1999
A survey questionnaire and follow-up interview study of parents of GATE students to assess the need
for parent support groups
California State Teacher Grant (CTIP) A Motivational Field Trip for GATE Students. Awarded October
American Educational Research Association
Pacific Coast Consortium on Innovation in Teaching
Society for Gifted and Talented Children
- Vice President, Pacific Coast Consortium on Innovation in Teaching, 2000
- Chair, University Relations Committee, Society for Gifted and Talented Children,
Victress Bower Scholarship Award, Riverside, CA, 1998
Outstanding Dissertation Award, University of California, Riverside, 2000
P. 3 of 4
Letters of Reference File is available upon request from:
Career Center
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
The following persons have written letters of recommendation on my behalf:
Donald MacMillan, Professor
School of Education
University of California, Riverside, CA
(909) 787-5228
John Dewey, Chair
Department of Education
California State University, Long Beach, CA
(213) 777-4545
Maria Montessori, Professor
Faculty in Education
Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA
(909) 655-9999
P. 4 of 4
CV Sample Adapted and Retrieved 5/10/06 from
Additional Academic and Job Search
*IU Career Connections is not affiliated with, and does not endorse or recommend any of the public or independent organizations
listed above. This list is made available as a resource to assist students in their job search.
Vick, J. M., Furlong, J. S., & Heiberger, M. M. (2008). The academic job search handbook (4th ed.).
Silvia, P., & Sinclair, C. (2007). How to Write a Lot: Tips for Increasing Writing Productivity. PsycEXTRA Dataset.
Engler, P. G. (2014). Your crystal clear career path: Featuring smart, new and effective job search strategies: Find rewarding
work, not just a job!
University Career Centers
Purdue University
University of California, Berkeley
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Online Help Sites
Quintessential Careers
CV Tips
The Riley Guide
American Psychological Association
Grad School Help
Teaching Philosophies
The Academic Job Search Handbook by Vick and Furlong
How to Write a Lot by Paul J. Silvia
Your Crystal Clear Career Path by Peter Engler
Mary Lou Goodman
1234 Hoosier Dr, Bloomington, IN, 47401| 812-555-5555 |
Ph.D., School Psychology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Anticipated May 2020
M.S.Ed., School Psychology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Anticipated May 2017
B.A., Psychology, Sociology/Anthropology minor, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
May 2015
Practicum Experience
Academic Interventionist, August 2016 - Present
Grandview Elementary, Bloomington, IN
Supervisors: Rebecca Martinez, Ph.D., Kassie Lowery, B.A.
Manage a case load of three students struggling with academics
Assess and track data pertaining to student interventions
Consult and communicate with teachers and parents regarding students’ progress
Research and implement evidence based practices
School Psychology Practicum Student, January 2016 - May 2016
College Park Elementary, Lincoln Middle School, Eastbrook Elementary, Indianapolis IN
Supervisors: Thomas Huberty, Ph.D
Performed Psychoeducational evaluations of children elementary age to middle school
Conducted in-class observations
Administered, scored, and interpreted cognitive and academic testing for placements
Conducted an individual behavior plan with a student
Managed interventions twice a week with students on reading and sight words
Participated and led Case Conference Committee meetings
Teaching Assistant in Special Education, August 2015 - December 2015
Clearcreek Elementary, Bloomington, IN
Supervisors: Scott Bellini, Ph.D
Incorporated special education students within inclusion setting
Created small group innovative lessons to encourage active student participation
Established positive relationships with students, teachers, and school administrators
Personally requested by special education teachers to take over classrooms
Advocated for children in the school system
University Teaching Experience
Instructor for EDUC-M202, August 2016-Present
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Supervisor: Andrew Bosk, M.S.
Grade assignments, teach lessons pertaining to job search strategies,
Secure guest speakers, submit end of course grades, and update curriculum/syllabus
Advise students/alumni regarding resume writing, cover letters, interviewing skills,
portfolios, online credentials job search strategies and other career related matters
Initiate and present multiple workshops for Career Connections
Research Experience
Senior Research Capstone, January 2015 - May 2015
Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Supervisor: Rachael Reavis, Ph.D
Designed and conducted independent research study on ostracism and mood amongst
undergraduate students
Entered and interpreted in SPSS
Completed an APA write up of the study
Presented findings at annual undergraduate research conference
Research Assistant, August 2013 - May 2014
Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Supervisor: Rachael Reavis, Ph.D
Assisted in the design and conducted research study with 2
and 3
graders on visual
spatial abilities
Conducted research study on peer victimization with participants
Analyzed peer victimization, executive function, conflict management, and delay of
gratification in students
Organized and lead activities promote physical, mental, and social development
Recruited parents and children to participate in psychological research
Assisted with data entry, coding, and data analysis
Presented findings at an annual undergraduate research conference
Learned IRB procedure for approval with special attention paid to ethical considerations
and other aspects of the research process
Researcher in Child Development, January 2013 – May 2013
Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Supervisor: Vincent Punzo, Ph.D
Researched human and child development
Undertook a psychological case study of a single child
Conducted interviews, natural observations, and assessments with families and schools
Transcribed and recorded findings in a 100-page document
Annual Research Conference Journal (Poster Presentations)
Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Published in 4
, 5
, and 6
annual research journal
Flores, H. (2015). You Can't Sit With Us: Role of mood on ostracized collegiate students.
Annual Research Conference Journal, 6.
Flores, H. (2015). The Role of Praise in Fixed and Growth Mindset. Annual Research
Conference Journal, 6.
Flores, H., Webb, A., Galperin, O., & Kasikci, K. (2014). Sibling Relationships and
Delay of Gratification. Annual Research Conference Journal, 5.
Flores, H., Galperin, O., & Kenny, S. (2014). Thoughtful Friends: An examination of
executive functioning, theory of mind, and friendship. Annual Research Conference
Journal, 5.
Flores, H., & Donohue, L. (2013). Money Makes all the Difference: The effects of
exposure to money on helpfulness. Annual Research Conference Journal, 4.
Work Experience
Job Search Advisor, August 2016 - Present
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Supervisor: Andrew Bosk, M.S.
Advise students/alumni regarding resume writing, cover letters, interviewing skills,
portfolios, online credentials job search strategies and other career related matters
Initiate and present multiple workshops for Career Connections Online
Respond to résumé referral requests from employers
Promote and assist with annual Interview Day
Pier 1 Imports Sales Leader, September 2015-Present
Bloomington, IN
Supervisor: Christie Snelling, M.S.
Maintain daily record of all transactions and generate reports for store manager
Train staff to deliver outstanding customer service
Reorganize sales floor to meet company demands
Assist with recruitment and training of new staff
Top performing manager three quarters in a row
Sales Associate of the Region Q2
Resident Assistant, August 2013 - August 2015
Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Supervisor: Katie Colip, M.A.
Coordinated programs essential to the growth of the community
Independently planned educational and social events for a floor of 40 first-year college
students in a co-educational facility
Collaborated and implemented educational opportunities for a building of 350 residents
as part if a resident assistant team
Responded to and managed emotional, medical, and facilities related problems
Oversaw an area budget for community programing
Enforced rules and regulations to ensure the orderly operations of Residence Hall
Teacher Assistant in Counseling and Psychotherapy, January 2014 - May 2014
Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Supervisor: Michael Jackson, Ph.D.
Assisted professor in lectures and coursework
Educated students with counseling methods and approaches
Helped students with in-depth therapy session
Communities in Schools Aid, January 2014 - May 2014
Test Intermediate, Richmond, IN
Supervisor: Rachel Reavis, Ph.D
Mentored 5-8 grade students with behavioral and emotional needs
Worked alongside school psychologist
Prepared materials for daily group activities
Helped bridge the gap between English and Spanish speaking students
Traveled to children’s homes for tutoring
Assisted in level 1 and level 2 CIS
Live-in Childcare Provider, December 2010 - 2013
Columbus, Ohio
Supervisor: Kelly Osborne
Live-in nanny for three consecutive years over summer
Committed to taking care of children of all ages
Skilled in handling crisis situations
President of Psychology Club, August 2013 - May 2014
Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Led and participated in student run meetings
Contacted professors, alumni, and professionals in psychology fields
Facilitated intellectual group discussion
Captain of Earlham Field Hockey, August 2013 - 2014
Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Supervisor: Heather Moore, B.A.
Organized all players in daily activities, drills, and leadership roles
Designed and implemented game initiatives for team-building rooted in theory
Enforced positive thinking and mentored teammates
Utilized team’s ability and skill
First captain in history to receive title as a Junior
Volunteer Experience
Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution, May 2011 – Present
Columbus, OH
Supervisor: Theresa Flores, M.S.W
Inform and educate communities on human trafficking
Advocate for the education of trafficking in US
Train communities and educators of the warnings and red flags
Call motels and package soap for donation
YWCA Volunteer, January 2013 – May 2013
Richmond, IN
Supervisor: Rachel Reavis, Ph.D.
Assisted battered women and children in residential facility
Accompanied families on counseling visits
Filed papers and ran errands
Assessments Administered
WISC – 5
Conners 3
Standford Binet
Sarah R. Wilson
801 N. Pearl St.
Bloomington, IN 47401
2012 Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN
Program: Developmental and Learning Sciences, Human Development Track
Minor concentration: Inquiry Methodology
Degree: Ph.D. (Expected 2017)
Advisor: Mary Waldron, Ph.D.
2012-2014 Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN
Program: Developmental and Learning Sciences, Human Development Track
Degree: M.S.
Advisor: Mary Waldron, Ph.D.
2005-2006 Indiana Wesleyan University, Indianapolis, IN
Program: Transition to Teaching
Licensure: Indiana Teaching Certification in Social Studies, Psychology
1996-2000 Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Major: History (Psychology minor)
Degree: B.S.
2016 Carole A. Ames Fellowship Award
School of Education
Indiana University
2013, 2014, Trentham Travel Award
& 2016 Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology
Indiana University
2015 Student Merit Award
Research Society on Alcoholism
2014 Outstanding Associate Instructor Award
School of Education
Indiana University
2014 Myrtle M. Scott Research Award
Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology
Indiana University
2014 Adolescence in Diverse Contexts Student Poster Award
Society for Research on Adolescence
2014 Emerging Scholar Student Travel Award
Society for Research on Adolescence
2013 Rise Research Award
Association for Psychological Science
2012 Student Poster Competition, 3rd place Award
Indiana Psychological Association
2005-2006 Dean’s List
Indiana Wesleyan University
2000 Cum Laude
Ball State University
2000 Academic Honors in Writing
Ball State University
2000 Outstanding Senior Award
Ball State University
1998-2000 Golden Key International Honor Society
1996-2000 Dean’s List
Ball State University
Association for Psychological Science
Indiana Psychological Association
Society for Research on Adolescence
Research Society on Alcoholism
Substance use and abuse in adolescence and emerging adulthood
Childhood and adolescent obesity
Adolescent and emerging adulthood sexual behavior
Comorbid psychopathology during childhood and adolescence
Referred Articles (in chronological order)
Wilson, S. R., Doran, K. A., & Waldron, M. (2016). Childhood weight status and timing of first
substance use in an ethnically diverse sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 164, 172-78.
Doran, K. A., Sapharas, N. K., Wilson, S. R., Waldron, M. (2016). Timing of first substance use:
Risks from parental divorce and paternal death. Manuscript to be submitted.
Wilson, S. R. & Waldron, M. (2016). Childhood weight status predicts timing of first sexual intercourse in an
ethnically diverse sample of females. Manuscript in preparation.
Refereed Presentations (in chronological order)
Wilson, S. R. & Waldron, M. (2016, May). Associations among childhood weight status, pubertal timing,
and sexual initiation in an ethnically diverse sample of girls. Poster presented at the annual
convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
Wilson, S. R. . & Waldron, M. (2015, July). Childhood weight status and timing of first alcohol use: The
moderating role of pubertal timing. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Research Society on
Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX. [published abstract]
Sapharas, N. K., Wilson, S. R., Doran, K. A., & Waldron, M. (2015, March). Timing to first
substance use: Risks from parental divorce and paternal death. Poster presented at the annual meeting of
the Society for Research on Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Wilson, S. R. ., Doran, K. A., & Waldron, M. (2014, March). Associations between childhood weight status
and substance use initiation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on
Adolescence, Austin, TX. [additional presentation at the SRA “Adolescence in Diverse
Contexts” reception]
Wilson, S. R., Doran, K. A., Sapharas, N. K., & Waldron, M. (2013, May). Race/ethnicity moderates
associations between weight status during childhood and early substance use. Poster presented at the annual
meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC. [additional presentation
at the APS RISE Award reception]
Wilson, S. R., Sapharas, N. K., Doran, K. A., & Waldron, M. (2012, October). Early Substance Use
and Risk of High School Dropout: Differences by Urban Versus Rural Residence. Poster presented at the
annual meeting of the Indiana Psychological Association, Indianapolis, IN.
Non-referred Articles, Presentations, and Web Publications
Wilson, S. R., (2014, June 4). Adolescence in Diverse Contexts: Associations between childhood weight
status and substance use initiation. [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://www.s-r-
Wilson, S. R., (2013, June 14). Race/ethnicity moderates associations between weight status during childhood
and early substance use. [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Wilson, S. R., Doran, K. A., Sapharas, N. K., & Waldron, M. (2013, May). Early substance
use and risks from childhood obesity: Preliminary analyses. Paper presented at the monthly
meeting of the Human Development program, Indiana University School of Education,
Bloomington, IN.
Fall 2012–present Team Member
Adolescent Development Lab
Department of Counseling & Educational Psychology
Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN
Member of a research team studying biopsychosocial transitions
during adolescence and emerging adulthood. Mary Waldron, Ph.D.,
Spring 2015 Data Analyst
ICARE Data Project
Department of Counseling & Educational Psychology
Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN
Conducted and interpreted factor analysis, advised on methodological
decisions, and cleaned and coded data examining associations
between counselling experiences, HIV education, outlook on life, and
social experiences among citizens of the Republic of Botswana
infected with HIV. Rex Stockton, Ph. D., Primary Investigator.
Postsecondary Teaching
Fall 2013-Spring 2015 Associate Instructor, P313 Adolescents in a Learning Community
& Fall 2016-Spring 2017 Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Responsible for developing and implementing curriculum, lessons,
lectures, and in-class activities, providing student support, and
grading exams and final papers.
Fall 2015-Spring 2016 Associate Instructor, M202 Job Search Strategies for Educators
Office of Career Connections
Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN
Responsible for developing and implementing curriculum, lessons,
lectures, and in-class activities, providing student support, conducting
mock interviews, and grading papers and projects.
Summer 2015 Associate Instructor, S508 Secondary School Curriculum
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Responsible for developing and implementing curriculum, lessons,
and in-class activities, providing student writing support, teaching
graduate level study skills, and editing master’s theses to a cohort of
South Sudanese graduate students. Special course focus: education
development and peace education, specific to the South Sudanese
Spring 2015 Associate Instructor, P510 Psychology in Teaching
Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Responsible for developing and implementing curriculum, lessons,
lectures, and in-class activities, providing student support, teaching
graduate level study skills, and grading exams and final papers to a
cohort of South Sudanese graduate students. Special course focus:
education development and peace education specific to the South
Sudanese context.
Summer 2014 Associate Instructor, S503 Secondary School Curriculum
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Center for International Development, Education, and Research
School of Education
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Responsible for developing and implementing curriculum, lessons,
lectures, in-class activities, and providing student support. Taught
course to a cohort of South Sudanese graduate students in Kampala,
Fall 2012-Spring 2013 Teaching Assistant, P314 Lifespan Development
Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Responsible for grading final papers, grading and entering scores into
electronic gradebook, student academic support, and assistance with
curriculum development/instructional materials. Anne Stright, Ph.D.,
K-12 Teaching
20112012 GED/College Readiness Instructor
Fathers and Families Center, Indianapolis, IN
Developed and implemented GED curriculum in reading, writing, math,
science, and social studies. Taught and mentored young adults preparing
for GED exam and taking beginning college courses. Teaching methods
included lecture, small group instruction/activities, and one-on-one
tutoring. Administered, graded, and created Individualized Learning
Plans based on Official GED Practice Tests and TABE tests. Assisted
employment staff in teaching students job readiness skills, including;
resume and cover letter writing, interviewing skills, and job search
20092011 Lead GED/College Readiness Instructor
Marian University College of Education partnering with Youthbuild
Indy, Indianapolis, IN
Led a team of trained educators in providing quality GED/College
Readiness education. Developed and implemented GED curriculum in
reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. Taught and mentored
young adults preparing for GED exam and taking beginning college
courses. Teaching methods included lecture, small group
instruction/activities, and one-on-one tutoring. Administered, graded,
and created Individualized Learning Plans based on Official GED
Practice Tests, CASAS tests, and TABE tests. Assisted employment staff
in teaching students job readiness skills, including; resume and cover
letter writing, interviewing skills, and job search strategies.
2007-2009 Secondary Social Studies Teacher
Fountain Square Academy, Indianapolis, IN
Taught middle and high school social studies, serving as the Team
Lead. Strong focus on curriculum development and implementation,
reading and writing skills development, and remediation. Teaching
methods included lecture, small group instruction/activities, and one-on-
one tutoring.
Fall 2006 Student Teacher, Middle School Social Studies
Stonybrook Middle School, Indianapolis, IN
Developed and implemented curriculum, taught lessons,
administered and graded assignments and tests, provided student
academic support. John Barnes, Mentoring Teacher
Spring 2006 Student Teacher, High School Social Studies
Broad Ripple High School, Indianapolis, IN
Developed and implemented curriculum, taught lessons,
administered and graded assignments and tests, provided student
academic support.
Fall 1998-Spring 1999 Teaching Assistant, HIST 198, Non-western Civilization
History Department
Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Responsible for grading final papers, grading and entering scores into
course gradebook, student academic support, and assistance with
instructional materials.
Fall 1999-Spring 2000 Teaching Assistant, HIST 150, Western Civilization
History Department
Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Responsible for grading final papers, grading and entering scores into
course gradebook, student academic support, and assistance with
instructional materials. John Barber, Ph.D., Instructor
Teaching Workshops
Fall 2015-Spring 2016 Resume Writing Workshops
Office of Career Connections
Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN
Fall 2015-Spring 2016 Interview Skills Workshops
Office of Career Connections
Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN
Spring 2011 Hands’ On Math Workshop
Indiana Department of Education Conference
College of Education
Marian University, Indianapolis, IN
Presented to educators at a state conference. Developed and taught
curriculum and activities focused on engaging K-12 students in math
skills and remediation.
Spring 2011 Hands’ On Math Workshop
College of Education, Summer Learning Institute
Marian University, Indianapolis, IN
Presented to educators, instructors, and summer learning providers at
a staff development workshop. Developed and taught curriculum
and activities focused on engaging K-12 students in math skills and
Spring 2011 Hands’ On Literacy Workshop
College of Education, Summer Learning Institute
Marian University, Indianapolis, IN
Presented to educators, instructors, and summer learning providers
at a staff development workshop. Developed and taught curriculum
and activities focused on engaging K-12 students in literacy skills and
Summer 2010 Flo-cabulary Workshop
College of Education, Summer Learning Institute
Marian University, Indianapolis, IN
Presented to instructors and summer learning providers
at a staff development workshop. Developed and taught curriculum
and activities focused on engaging K-12 students in vocabulary
2016-present Edvance Research, San Antonio, TX
AT&T Aspire Proposal Reviewer
Review and rate proposals from a variety of organizations and
schools that are applying for grant monies from AT&T for programs
that support students at risk of not completing high school and/or
not attending college.
2003-2007 Employment Consultant
Noble of Indiana, Indianapolis, IN
Taught individuals with developmental disabilities the skills necessary to
obtain and maintain community employment. Wrote monthly and
annual reports, provided on-site orientation, training, and follow along
support, and trained new staff members.
2000-2002 Case Manager
Center for Mental Health, Anderson, IN
Assisted individuals with severe mental illness in daily living skills,
medication education and compliance, budgeting, obtaining housing
needs, and employment skills. Member of Anderson, Indiana’s
Homeless Task Force.
Fall 2015-present Volunteer
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard, Bloomington, IN
Fall 2015-Summer 2016 Graduate Student Representative
Committee on Diversity
Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington, IN
Spring 2016 Reviewer
Student Research Award
Association for Psychological Science
Spring 2016 Counseling and Educational Psychology Graduate Student
Award for Excellence in Mentoring Selection Committee
Indiana University, School of Education, Bloomington, IN