I wanted to take a moment to say a sincere thank you for sharing your loved one with us. I know it
sounds odd today, but I felt like I really connected with the body our group shared-- I loved learning
about his past history through things we could see in the present, like pacemakers and knee
replacements. I learned so much through working with the donated bodies, and I am so grateful that
your loved ones were generous enough to donate so my classmates and I could all learn so much.
Dear families and friends of the donors, While leaving our world, your loved ones have given us medical
students the greatest gift anyone can ever give: the opportunity to learn from their bodies. Our body is
our most valuable possession. Throughout life, we take great care of our body. Material possessions
may come and go, but no one can take our body from us. For us medical students, having the
opportunity to glimpse inside a human body is a very humbling experience. We have the once-in-a-
lifetime chance to examine something which we all possess, but which we cannot all see. On the first
day of anatomy lab, our instructors told us to take a moment and reflect on our donors. They told us to
always remember that the individual had dreams and aspirations, thoughts and emotions, just like all of
us. I always kept this perspective in my mind when I examined my body. If only I had a chance to meet
my donorI would love to hear what he had to share about his life experiences. I would tell him that I
am eternally grateful for the knowledge he has given me about the human body. I would let him know
that because of his ultimate gift, I will be able to help countless patients in the future. I would convey to
him that he is my ultimate medical teacher, the one who can teach me more than any professor or
textbook can teach me. I consider it my great fortune to have received such a gift. And I wholeheartedly
thank the donor, who even at the last moments of his life, did not think about himself, but thought
about what more he can do to the world as he departs. Even after his passing, he continued to enrich
the lives of others. I will never forget the knowledge that I have gained from my donor. The human body
is the most amazing creation in the universe, and to be able to study it is a great honor. To the families
and friends of the donors, I am truly sorry for your loss. You were very fortunate to have had such
amazing people in your lives. And while the donors have departed our material world, they will continue
to live in our hearts, and they will always be in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for considering us
worthy enough to entrust us with the bodies of your loved ones. We are eternally grateful.
Being able to learn about the human body by investigating a literal human body has been a privilege.
Thank you families for helping us to learn anatomy! I very much appreciated your loved one, and the gift
you gave was invaluable to my education and life. I was constantly reminded of your kindness and
generosity every day in anatomy, and I will keep that with me as I continue my career!
I deeply appreciate the gift that your loved one has given. Your loved one has given me an amazing
experience- educationally and personally. Thank you
I would like to take a moment to thank the family members and loved ones of the donors for their
gracious donations for our anatomy instructional lab. To us, these donors represented more than just a
vessel to explore the human anatomy in great detail, it was, for many of us, one of the first patients we
will see and perhaps one of the most memorable as well. In these weeks, we learned about the
intricacies of the human body as well as how complex and unique every person is. Thank you for your
invaluable gifts and know that these donors have played an important role in developing intuitive,
sympathetic, and humane future physicians.
Dear Donor Family, My grandmother recently passed away and she had always been very adamant
about wanting to donate her body to science. She was a teacher in life and an incredibly sweet,
courageous person. I think that most people that choose to donate their bodies are probably as
generous and selfless as she was and I am honored to have been the recipient of that last beneficent
act. They tell us at the beginning of anatomy that our bodies are our first patients and so we treat them.
In anatomy we learn some of the most enduring lessons of our medical careers. That first class is a
formative, symbolic time for a med student and we are so incredibly grateful to the folks who make our
first foray into medicine possible. I cannot thank you or tell you what an honor it has been for me and
the rest of my lab group. We are deeply grateful. Sincerely, Matt S. Smith
Anatomy lab was one of the most important experiences of my life and I will be forever thankful for her
We are truly grateful for the generosity of your family and your loved one. Being able to learn in the
anatomy lab was a unique and certainly invaluable experience and would not have been possible
without your anatomic gift. Thank you!
I cannot begin to express my thanks and appreciation for the generous gift your loved one provided our
medical school class. I will never forget the opportunity we were given to learn human anatomy and am
certain I will continue to use the knowledge I have gained throughout my career. Please know how
grateful I am and that the memory of your loved one will be carried on by me as well.
To the donor family -- I would like to express my greatest thanks and appreciation to you for the
donation that you made. I can only imagine how difficult it was for you to make such a decision, but I do
want you to know that it was not taken for granted. In fact, it was so essential to our education and
significant in our pursuit towards becoming future physicians. What you provided for us will allow us to
save so many more lives in the future. Thank you, again. May God bless you all, Greg
I would like to acknowledge the donors, their families, and their loved ones for their contribution to our
medical education. While enlightening for us as students, this is truly a gift to society as our training will
impact the patients that we endeavor to care for. Additionally, I would like the families to know that all
of the remains were respected and the donors were honored. I could not be more grateful for all of
those who have allowed us to explore the marvels of the human body. They deserve to be very proud of
this gift.
I would like to thank the donor and their family for the chance to learn from the donor's body.
I would like to thank the donor as well as his family and friends. I learned a tremendous amount of
information from our donor and I am inspired and indebted to him. I will never forget the experience of
anatomy lab, and I have our donor to thank for that. His donation was incredibly noble.
The precious gift that you have bestowed has undoubtedly provided students with an understanding
and appreciation of the human body. With this knowledge, we hope to treat and improve the quality of
life for future patients, and it would not be possible without your desire to aid in medical education and
research. Thank you.
It is with my utmost appreciation that your family member has so generously donated her body. Her gift
is so valuable and has been such a vital component in my medical school education. As I continue my
medical school education and grow in my career, I will forever remember, cherish and appreciate the
learning experience and knowledge I have gained as result, that your family member has afforded me.
While it is never easy to lose a loved one, it is endearing to know how much they have given to us and
have touched our lives in both life and death. And although they may not be with us today, the
impressions they have left behind will stay with us forever and will in turn impact others through those
of us who have been so fortunate to learn from them. Thanks!
Dear friends and family, I just wanted to write and let you know how appreciative I was of what you all
have donated towards the pursuit of education. He was an exceptional donor, who clearly lived a very
long life. I hope it will give you all some piece of mind that we were always respectful, and thankful
towards what he had given to our lab group. We had the best one could ask for, and he had beautiful
anatomy that was perfect to study. Thanks once again for your kindness and support towards medical
To the family and friends of the anatomic donor - My name is Andrew Hanna and I would like to
personally convey my utmost and sincere gratitude for allowing my lab partners and I the ability to
further our medical education through your anatomic gift. The donor will always be remembered as my
first patient and I would like you to know that all my future work as a doctor would not have been fully
realized without her gift. Not only was this a gift to me as a medical student, but more importantly, a gift
to those who I will be serving as a physician in the future. It may not seem like much, but it has changed
my life and will change the lives of countless individuals who I hope to help as a doctor. And so on behalf
of those individuals as well as myself, I would simply like to say thank you for your gift. The world is a
better place because of it. Sincerely Andrew Hanna
I just want to express my gratitude for the sacrifice and contribution that your loved one made toward
my education, as well as those in my lab group. Human dissection is an indispensable tool in our learning
and I definitely would not have succeeded to the degree that I did without that aspect of the course. So
thank you so much. The contribution that your loved one made is something that is greater than you
could ever know!
Thank you for your support. Your contribution to our education has been invaluable. Our instructors
pointed out at the beginning that this anatomic gift is our first patient, to be treated with dignity and
respect. It a very touching lesson, one that I will never forget. Thank you.
We all really appreciate the generous contributions of all of the families to helping us further our
medical education. Thank you so much.
To the family of our anatomic donor, I want to express my deep appreciation to you for your loved one
who donated her body to the University of Maryland School of Medicine in order to further the pursuit
of knowledge and to serve as our primary teacher for our anatomy lab course. A group of 5 students
came together to learn from this individual and we had a truly wonderful experience during these past
few months learning from your loved one, and from each other. Our instructors told us in the beginning
of the course that the anatomical donor is our first patient, and I am truly grateful that I had the
opportunity to learn so much from her. Sincerely, Tara Barry
Thank you for your generosity and selflessness in the anatomic gift you made for our medical school
class. Anatomy is one of the most important classes in our medical school journey and we know that we
would not have learned so much without the gift that you provided us. Our lab group really appreciates
what you have done for us and our medical training. Thank you again.
Thank you so much for your generous donation! The gift that you have given us is irreplaceable in our
education and will plays and integral role in allowing us to eventually help many people in the future. I
hope that she rests in peace knowing that she left behind such an important gift to us. Thank you again!
When I first walked into anatomy lab, it was incredibly overwhelming. It was a whole new barrage of
sights, smells, and emotions. It honestly made me feel uncomfortable knowing that these were once
people with their own independent thoughts and dreams. Before we began, our instructor told us that
the word cadaver
in its Thai origins means "great teacher". Even though I did not understand this at the time, as the
semester continued that is exactly what my donor was, a teacher. Without the donation of this person
to science, I would not have the same understanding of the marvelous human body that I now have. I
would like to take this opportunity to thank this person for providing one final gift to young physicians
she never met, and I truly appreciate this gift.
I would like to thank the donor to my anatomy group for their gift. This experience was one of the most
enlightening and certainly the greatest learning experience of my life. I truly appreciate the gift that was
presented to me and my group and am thankful to the donor and their family for their generosity.
Thank you so much for your kind gift without which my learning would have been very limited. This will
be one of the most memorable experiences in medical school and the future. I appreciate the donor's
generosity and the donor's family and friends kindnesses and consideration. Thank you!
I would like to express my extreme and sincere gratitude to the family of the woman who donated her
body to our medical education. Having the opportunity to learn from an actual human body was an
uncomparable learning experience that enhanced my understanding of anatomy exponentially. I
genuinely feel as though I would not have been able to learn anatomy as thoroughly as I have with as
much comprehension as I have had it not been for the opportunity to work with a real human body. This
experience has undoubtedly impacted the physician that I will become, and I just want you to know how
appreciated your family's gift was to us as medical students.
Please decide whether this is appropriate for family members to read, I'm speaking from the gut and I'm
not sure how inflammatory my comments may seem. Dear all, I am one of the medical students who
had the honor to benefit from your relative/friends selfless donation of her body. I want to thank you
over and over for the learning opportunity she gave me. To give away something so precious as her
body is something I couldn't admire more and be more humbled by. From her body, I learned more
about the immense moral duties of medicine that drew me to medical school. Through her body, I
began my long-held quest to become a healer. Through understanding her body, I will better understand
my future patients, and that inspired me every day to do unto her as I would do unto my patients.
Because of her, I feel more confident in my abilities to treat and respect those I will care for. But at the
same time, I faced through our time together the moral flaws that threaten medicine today. On our first
day, my classmates and I were told to treat our donors with care and respect, and then given lengthy lab
instructions that demanded we work quickly. After a lengthy and solemn moment of silence for the
donors, our group detached ourselves to the task at hand, and we forced ourselves to dissect multitudes
of vessels and nerves with less regard for what lay in between. Our group was careful and respectful as
we were asked (we still sleep at night) but I will tell you this learning process was sometimes frightening.
After anatomy, I look with more mature eyes to the time I will later spend in hospital. For the first time, I
asked myself whether I would let a rigorous early-morning to late-night schedule to treat a hospital
population get the better of my moral duty to my individual patients? I realized that being a physician
would mean I would lead a dizzying dance, or tiptoe a terrifying tight rope each day of my professional
life, but with another's life hanging in the balance and not mine. But because of her, I remain as hopeful
and inspired as I was when I first walked into that lab. I know now, how strong my moral fiber really is. I
know, from her, how much I have to give and how much more I must grow to be the best physician I
can. I am, because of her selfless donation, a stronger and wiser student, which will make me a stronger
and wiser and more competent physician in a few years. Such difficult and inspiring lessons I couldn't
have learned from anybody except her, and I couldn't be more grateful for her being the most giving and
supportive teacher I will ever have. Sincerely, A
Dear family, Thank you so much for the gift of your loved one. Please understand how important this
has been for my education and for the other four members of my anatomy group. We appreciate and
value this tremendous gift. I know that I will be a better physician and have a much better
understanding of the human body because of her gift to us. Thank you and all the best, Jessica
Having just finished our anatomy course, I feel immensely grateful to the individuals who donated their
bodies to be dissected, and to their families. It's a tremendously intimate gift - please know that it is not
one we took lightly. The last ten weeks have been an invaluable opportunity, one that will inform our
careers in medicine and that we will absolutely never forget. Thank you for your part in that.
My anatomy education was informative and engaging because of my donor's gift. He taught me
everything I now know about the human body, and I will have the opportunity to really help people in
the future with the knowledge that I gained from him. If it wasn't for his singular final gift, my
understanding of the human body wouldn't be as comprehensive. His gift also gave me added
motivation. I thought of him as my first patient and worked extremely hard to learn as much as possible
from him. Putting in extra hours in the anatomy lab was the least that I could contribute. His amazing
donation really has made my medical school experience complete.
I greatly appreciated the opportunity to begin my medical education with your friend or family member.
Even in death, she was a teacher and a source of camaraderie. She honorably gave her body to science,
and I hope to live up to her investment with my medical career. I promise to honor her donation with
my service.
I wanted to express my deepest thanks. You and your loved one made a priceless gift to science. I will
use the knowledge I have gained for the entirety of my medical career.
I cannot express how much anatomy lab meant to myself and my classmates who are now my close
friends. Whoever our donor was to the person reading this (your father, husband, neighbor, or friend) I
can only hope that he was as generous in life as he was in death. Thank you.
I wanted to take a moment to express my great appreciation and gratitude for the gift given by the
individuals who elected to donate their bodies in support of our medical education. Through their
donations, these individuals made an immeasurable and truly irreplaceable contribution to our learning.
I cannot imagine learning anatomy any other way, I am truly appreciative to have had the opportunity to
complete this part of my training with the help of these donations. Myself and my classmates did our
best to master the material, and we will carry this knowledge with us in the future as we strive to better
the health and well-being of our communities as practicing physicians. Thank you so much for helping us
in our journey!
To Whom it May Concern, I would like to sincerely extend my gratitude for your loved one and your
family for this generous donation. The dissection was an integral part of my anatomy learning
experience and helped me apply what I learned in the classroom to a more real situation. I am certain
that your generosity will help me become the physician that I want to be. I would also like to add that
the anatomy lab instructors at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and my fellow classmates
have ensured that we have treated our donors with the utmost care and respect. Again, I sincerely
appreciate your generosity. Thank you very much! Sincerely, Sai Sachin Divakaruni MS I
I would like to thank our donors and their family and friends for the most generous gift one could ever
receive. Our gift was our first patient, our teacher, and a friend whom we never had a chance to grab a
coffee with. He was a member of our team in our pursuit to learn about the human body. He taught us
about the beauty of the human body that can not be simply demonstrated in our books. The knowledge
and experiences that we have gained in the past 10 weeks will remain with us during the rest of our
journey. He will be missed.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the donor, and his family and friends. Their anatomic gift
made a vast difference in learning and will almost certainly save lives in the future. Again, thank you so
so much and it is impossible to explain in words how much of a positive impact this gift made
Thank you for your donation and the learning opportunity it provided me. I know that I have been able
to learn and experience things in a way that will stick with me throughout my medical career and that I
would not have otherwise been able to truly understand. I appreciate your gift for the opportunity to
learn about the human body in a real and tangible way, and I know the lessons I have been taught will
help me to provide better care for my future patients. Thank you again for your generosity, it was the
best and most lasting way for me to learn anatomy and something I truly appreciate.
I'm having a difficult time finding the correct words to express the gratitude I feel. Your loved one gave
us this quiet and invaluable gift that marks the start of our medical careers. But how can we repay this
generosity? How can we thank the deceased for this most selfless donation? I hope that in expressing
my gratitude to you, you may find some peace in the death of your loved one. And I hope that in helping
you find that peace, I will have expressed the smallest of "thank you"s to a person who deserves so
many more.
Hello, My name is Michael Foster and I would like to express my thanks and gratitude towards your
family member who generously donated their body to medicine. Because of their selfless donation, over
the past ten weeks I have gained an immense amount of knowledge that will not only benefit myself as
a future practitioner, but will allow me to provide better care for my future patients. Ultimately, your
family member's benevolent decision to contribute their body to medical studies will allow many
individuals to receive quality care in the future that will restore their health, and in some cases, save
their lives.
The donors have made the ultimate gift of generosity. Their final act was one that will benefit so many
people. Their selfless contribution will not only help students become well trained physicians, but may
also help advance the field of science and medicine. We are so grateful for their gift.
I would like to extend my thanks to your family for the gift that you have given. Your loved one’s
donation has allowed us to have an unparalleled experience. He gave himself, his body, so that we could
learn. He was selfless, courageous and caring. My experience has taught me to always remember that as
a physician one is treating the whole person, not just a disease. I will remember him and all that he has
taught me throughout my medical education. Thank you for everything! Sincerely, Laura Segars
I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to the family of our donor. I must be honest, I did not know
what to expect from my time in lab, but I would not have learned a single thing if it weren't for him. He
was a great teacher and I know that his donation and dedication to academic medicine will have a direct
impact on my career as a physician. I could not have made it through anatomy without him.
Dear family, After spending hours and hours with your loved one, I am so grateful for his selflessness. He
clearly went through life striving to serve and benefit others. His presence not only contributed
incredibly to my learning, but also spring boarded great new friendships within my lab group and
medical class. I am sorry for your loss.
I would just like to express my profound gratitude to the donor and her family--it was truly a thoroughly
educational, rewarding, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Indeed, it was an absolutely invaluable gift to me,
my group members, and the medical profession as a whole, and for that, I am immensely grateful.
Thank you so much for your generous donation of a loved one. Because of his/her contribution, it has
enriched my medical education and allowed me to get a better grasp of human anatomy which will in
turn allow me to become the best physician I can possibly be.
I would like to thank you for this wonderful gift of learning which was bestowed upon my group. The
contribution allowed us to get a true feel for anatomy and will benefit all of us in our future careers.
Thank you so much for your donation. It really meant a lot for me. Your gift not only has greatly
contributed to my medical education, but also has made me a more compassionate person by seeing
how delicate and precious life is.
Dear Family/friends, Thank you so much for your extremely generous donation. I can't explain how
much of a privilege and gift it was to be able to take what we learned in class and translate it to a hands
on experience. As a medical student, your kindness has helped my learning an immense amount, and I
hope to repay this kindness for the rest of my career as a student and physician. Thank you.
It is with the deepest and most sincere gratitude and respect that I thank you and your loved ones for
the tremendous gift to my education. Without a shred of doubt, this was the most selfless and generous
gift I have ever received. Throughout this life changing experience in both education and contemplation,
I learned so much about myself and medicine, lessons that I will carry through medical school and into
my practice as a physician. Your gift has inspired me to consider giving the same to another generation
of physicians, students that I will never meet but whose life will be profoundly changed nonetheless.
With unwavering thanks, Sarah.
I know this message may be somewhat brief; however I just wanted to express my true and sincere
gratitude. You’re loved ones sacrifice was an amazing gift and it was one that will stay with me forever.
Every day, we treated the body with respect and dignity because we truly thought of her as our first
patient. As our first patient, she taught us an amazing amount and will always be in our minds as we
continue in the medical profession. She is the primary reference for my lab group that we will recall as
we picture our patients. I thank you for your loved ones gift and I appreciate all that I have learned from
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to learn about the human body in
anatomy lab. My medical training would not be the same without this experience, made possible by
your invaluable anatomic gift to our school and us students. Thank you.
Thank you so much for donating your loved one to the anatomy lab. I express my deepest sympathies
for your loss. Please know that we will use everything that we learned to hopefully save lives and help
people get better in the future. Again, I can't thank you enough for your selfless donation.
When I started the structure and development course I couldn't have imagined how much I was going to
learn from anatomy lab. It was a honor to be able to synthesize what I learned in lecture and what I saw
in a textbook to an actual human example. I want to thank you and your family for giving me this gift for
my education. It has been one of my most memorable experiences, and I wish I could have known her
during her lifetime. Thank you again.
Thank you for this great gift that your loved one has given. It has provided an invaluable learning
experience which will benefit many people down the line. Though I may not know all the ways she
enriched your lives, she will never be forgotten for her role in mine.
There is no way that I can possibly express how grateful I am to my donor and her family. Each person in
the world is given the gift of their own life, and in that short span of years, each person has the
opportunity to make a difference on the people around them. By becoming a donor, my donor was able
to make such a huge difference even after those years, and for generations to come. I learned more
from my donor than from all of the lectures we had. She gave me the only opportunity I will ever have to
fully learn about the human body, and this will in turn allow me to serve all of my future patients so
much better, and to be able to save lives as a doctor. I am eternally grateful to my donor and her family
and friends for giving me this gift. In doing so, she has given so much to influence not only my life for the
better, but all of my future patients' lives, whose well-being and survival rest on the knowledge I have
learned from my donor.
This donation was an invaluable resource while taking anatomy and has made my medical school
education thus far more thorough and enriching. For the donors, thank you for your contribution to
science and to medicine. My classmates and I will forever remember and be thankful for this donation,
which has launched our medical careers and has given us the opportunity to become better physicians.
Dear Family, Even though I will probably never meet you, I feel as though I am writing to family. Over
the past few months we have gotten to know your loved one so well. While we did not have the
pleasure of knowing him in life, he has shown us what a fulfilling life that he lived. You are no doubt a
big part of that. Throughout our time together we learned about each other. He saw us everyday and
heard about our lives. All of our heartbreak, frustrations, and joy. And everyday he taught us something
new. Some secret that only he could reveal. Your gift has been invaluable to us and we simply cannot
thank you enough. I want you to know that I will always remember him and our time together.
Sincerely, Sam Du University of Maryland School of Medicine Class of 2016
I would like to offer my sincerest condolences and deepest gratitude to the family whose loved one
donated their body to science. The knowledge obtained from this anatomical gift will be utilized to serve
patients in the community for my entire career. Each day, I felt fortunate and privileged to have this
learning opportunity and hope it is comforting to know that your loved one made a significant
contribution to our class's medical education and training. Neil Vranis MSI
The contribution that your loved one has made for me is indescribable. It was an incredible experience
for me in learning about anatomy, but more importantly, I now know there are people in the world that
are supportive of the education of future physicians. The sacrifice that he made, made me appreciate
the importance of the learning process and the sacrifices that others have made for my education. This
has been an experience that I will never forget and I can not express my gratitude enough.
The gift that your loved one donated is beyond generous. Having the ability to learn from her truly was a
gift that not only augmented our education, but also our emotional awareness. She was really our first
patient and we were reminded daily of the sacrifice that she made in the name of science and
It is hard to put my enormous thanks and gratitude into words. Anatomy lab was an invaluable learning
experience that I will never forget. Your kindness and generosity made that experience possible for me
and helped me take the first step in my medical education. I will forever cherish your gift and hold its
importance in my heart. Thank you.