Updated June 2022
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Messaging Guide ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Items required on all materials ....................................................................................................................... 2
Recruitment Message ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
ASPIRE Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................... 3
Quotes – ASPIRE Mentors Make a Difference .............................................................................................. 3
........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
ASPIRE Website and CANVAS “Courses” ................................................................................................... 5
Posting on Volunteer Boards/Social Media Pages ......................................................................................... 5
ASPIRE Phone Dialer Message ..................................................................................................................... 6
Templates ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Volunteer Recruitment: Sample Letter for College Students ......................................................................... 7
Volunteer Recruitment: Sample Letter for Graduating ASPIRE Students (letter given as they exit ASPIRE
before graduation) .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Volunteer Recruitment: Sample Letter to Businesses .................................................................................... 9
Volunteer Recruitment: Sample Letter to Parents ........................................................................................ 10
...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Newsletter, Example 1 - Mentor Recruitment .............................................................................................. 11
Newsletter, Example 2 - Mentor Recruitment .............................................................................................. 12
Newsletter, Example 3 - Mentor Recruitment .............................................................................................. 13
Sample Radio Script to Recruit Volunteers .................................................................................................. 14
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Messaging Guide
Items required on all materials
You are free to create posters, handouts, social media posts, emails, letters, etc., to recruit mentors and
promote your site and the ASPIRE program. We ask that you remember the following items:
1. Logo of ASPIRE
2. Follow the policies of your site in regard to permission forms (signature from guardians if
under 18) for any images of students or mentors featured
3. You may use the suggested verbiage outlined in this Messaging Guideline to create your own
Recruitment Message
A recruitment message must appeal to the person’s motivation for participating in ASPIRE as a student
or mentor, as well as anticipate any questions. The message should contain the following elements:
Position title and purpose
Basic requirements, time, place, etc.
Contact information for the ASPIRE Coordinator
Promise of training and support
ASPIRE is Oregon’s statewide career and college readiness program that offers education, resources,
and mentoring for students.
OfficeofStudentAccessandCompletion (often referred to as OSAC) is an office of the Higher
Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) of the State of Oregon. OSAC administers grant and
scholarship funding to students pursuing a postsecondary education.
HigherEducationCoordinatingCommission (HECC) is the single state entity responsible for
ensuring pathways to higher educational success for Oregonians statewide and serves as a convener of
groups and intuitions working across the public and private higher education arena.
The ASPIRE coordinator is a site-designated staff member responsible for managing the
administrative side of the ASPIRE program.
ASPIRE community and staff mentors work one-on-one and/or in group mentoring. Mentors may also
assist with ASPIRE site administration, activities, or events.
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
ASPIRE Mission Statement
These statements describe what we do and how we do it. They should be one of the first things you say
when you are explaining ASPIRE to people who are not familiar with the program.
ASPIRE is Oregon’s statewide career and college readiness program that offers education, resources,
and mentoring for students. Join (Insert: Name of school or organization) ASPIRE program today!
Long Version:
The ASPIRE program helps educate Oregon students to become career and college ready. ASPIRE at
(Insert: Name of school or organization), offers education, resources, and mentoring opportunities for
all students. Student supports include 1:1 and group mentoring, activities or events that focus on
career exploration, career and college research, admissions applications, scholarships, and financial
Short version:
ASPIRE helps educate Oregon students to become career and college ready. Join (Insert: Name of
school or organization) ASPIRE program!
Quotes – ASPIRE Mentors Make a Difference
Using quotes is an important tool to describe your program, show its impact, and inspire others. You
can collect quotes from your site. However, make sure you get permission and that these statements
are in line with our purpose statements. When in doubt, contact an ASPIRE staff member.
“Most students have not considered training or education beyond high school. This is due to a number
of factors including a lack of exposure, motivation, and direction, and lack of confidence in their ability
to complete college/training post high school. Our ASPIRE middle and high school programs are
designed to address these concerns.”
– ASPIRE Administrator
Mentors truly make a difference! Two of my seniors that will be first generation college students in the
fall, received the ACT SIX Scholarship this year. These students will receive FULL NEED awards to
attend their top choice colleges. It was because of their mentor's encouragement and her practical
help with scholarship process that these students have received these scholarships. Their
futures have been forever changed because of the support of their ASPIRE MENTOR.
– ASPIRE Coordinator
“ASPIRE has become a well-known organization in our community. Students have positive
experiences year after year, and the many scholarships that are awarded to students, are without a
doubt because of our mentors assistance assisting in our ASPIRE program.” – ASPIRE Coordinator
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
“I have a student who has been nervous about being in a college setting. He comes from a tough family
and I think he has low self-esteem. But he met with an ASPIRE mentor applied to college and got a
scholarship. I feel he stands taller. He feels worthy. He came in the other day and asked us if he could
apply for more scholarships.” – ASPIRE Coordinator
My mentors have been absolutely incredible, and I never doubted they were there to help me. I feel as
though I made two new friends who encouraged me to do my best and wanted to watch me succeed. I
hope to stay in contact with them both as I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell them how much their
help gave me clarity and confidence and prepared me for the future.
– ASPIRE Student
There are so many decisions to make. Senior year has been crazy busy, but it was really helpful to
have someone on my side helping me stay on top of all of my college and financial aid applications.”
– ASPIRE Student
Applying and figuring out the steps for college is stressful! Luckily, I had the most amazing mentor
who helped me. Without her I wouldn’t be attending one of my dream schools. My mentor goes above
and beyond for every student she works with and I couldn’t have had someone better to help me with
– ASPIRE Student
“The ASPIRE program was/is critical in my future education plans. Before ASPIRE, I had no idea what
to do or where to start. So, when I joined, they laid out the timelines and framework for applying for
colleges and scholarships. The mentor was very helpful in my choices and guidance.
– ASPIRE Student
“The time people give to volunteer to help mentor kids, who may not have the support at home they
need to get through the process, is invaluable.” – ASPIRE Mentor
“Many people want to contribute to their communities in one way or another; ASPIRE provides a
unique opportunity to contribute to the future of a community.” – ASPIRE Mentor
“I love seeing the kids who thought they couldn't do anything after high school, see opportunity in
their future. Whether trade school, nursing, line men, or a college education. Just to see that you helped
a child see more in their future makes everything we do, every essay we look through, every
application we help with, all worth it!
– ASPIRE Mentor
“I am helping students in the ASPIRE program…AND I have two kids in high school, so I can also help
them as they start to work on their goals.” – ASPIRE Mentor
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Ask questions to your volunteers and students. Prompts could include the following questions:
Talk about your favorite experience as a volunteer.
What inspires you to volunteer?
Why do you think mentoring is important?
What made you want to volunteer?
Why is your work important?
Why is education beyond high school important?
Why do you think working with a mentor is important?
Why do you think education beyond high school is important?
What made you first get involved with ASPIRE?
What do you want to study?
How has ASPIRE helped you decide to go to college?
What have you gained from your experience working with volunteers?
ASPIRE Website and CANVAS “Courses”
Many ASPIRE programs have chosen to create their own Website or Canvas “courses” to connect and
interact with students and parents. We believe that this is a great way to engage communities, yet we
ask that you adhere to suggestions found in this messaging guide to help assist you.
Reach out to your ASPIRE access specialist or connect with other ASPIRE coordinators who may have
already created pages to get some helpful ideas of how to start.
It is important to clearly list your postings as VOLUNTEER and not paid. In addition, mention
volunteers must pass a criminal background check.
List ASPIRE volunteer opportunities in online recruitment websites: site lists volunteer and work opportunities for non-profits and government. lists volunteer opportunities by location
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
The ASPIRE program at
[Insert: Name of ASPIRE site
] needs caring and dedicated volunteers like you to
help your local students explore career and education options after high school.
ASPIRE matches students with volunteer mentors to help them:
Explore career and educational options,
Narrow and determine plan for after high school,
Apply to college and/or prepare for career
Assist with financial aid and scholarship process
ASPIRE coordinators can be flexible with your schedule. You will receive training and contined
support from your ASPIRE coordinator and site staff. As an unpaid volunteer you must also complete
and application and pass a criminal background check before meeting with students.
For more information, call: [Insert: Coordinator Name and phone number].
Good evening!
[Insert: Name of ASPIRE site
]’s ASPIRE program helps our students become career and college ready.
We want each student to be confident of their plans after high school. Our ASPIRE coordinator, [name
of ASPIRE coordinator] is looking for interested volunteers to serve as student mentors. In this role
you will help students identify and develop their personal post-high school plan. No experience
needed, all volunteers will be trained, and volunteer time is flexible. Please contact [Insert:
Coordinator Name and phone number] for more information.
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Volunteer Recruitment: Sample Letter for College Students
Consider connecting with your local community college or university and provide a letter (or flyer) to
be promoted on campus. College students participating will benefit by gaining experience with
students (great to market to education/social work majors) and building their resumes with service to
their community.
Dear College Student,
ASPIRE is Oregon’s statewide career and college readiness program that offers education, resources,
and mentoring for students. We are looking for individuals who might enjoy mentoring [high
school/middle school] students as they create a plan for after high school. ASPIRE needs individuals
willing to help students prepare and explore career and education options.
Would you consider volunteering your time to support students at (Insert: Name of school or
organization)? By serving students, this opportunity would give you the chance to build your resume
while gaining leadership experience.
There are so many decisions to make. Senior year has been crazy busy, but it was really helpful to
have someone on my side helping me stay on top of all of my college and financial aid applications.”
– ASPIRE Student
Please consider this opportunity. Our ASPIRE mentors are trained and prepared to help students with
whatever plans they choose to follow. You don’t have to be an expert; you just want to make a
difference in a student’s life.
Interested? Or would you like to know more? Please reach out! I will be happy to connect with you and
clarify any questions you may have about this volunteer opportunity. Additionally, if you are
interested, I am happy to discuss a flexible volunteer schedule that will work for your schedule.
I look forward to hearing from you!
[ASPIRE Coordinator/Contact]
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Volunteer Recruitment: Sample Letter for Graduating ASPIRE
Students (letter given as they exit ASPIRE before graduation)
Dear [Insert Name of Senior ASPIRE Student],
Congratulations - Graduation is right around the corner! You are about to launch into the next season
of your life. We are so proud of you and the future plan you have chosen!
Remember, for a minute, before you were first connected with the ASPIRE Center/program. You may
have been uncertain about your future or not sure about the steps to take to make your dreams a
reality. The financial aid process seemed to be a foreign language, scholarships, and essays seemed
really hard to navigate, and the many deadlines were constant and sometimes overwhelming. I’m sure
you can identify with this student’s quote:
There are so many decisions to make. Senior year has been crazy busy, but it was really helpful to
have someone on my side helping me stay on top of all of my college and financial aid applications.”
– ASPIRE Student
The ASPIRE program was significant in helping you get to where you are.
As we build our ASPIRE program, we are always looking for leaders who can help us to achieve the
mission to help students become career and college ready. We believe that you could be a valuable
mentor to other high school students in the years ahead.
“The time people give to volunteer to help mentor kids, who may not have the support at home they
need to get through the process, is invaluable.” – ASPIRE Mentor
We would love to have you serve as an ASPIRE mentor! The experience you gained during your time in
ASPIRE gives you exactly what you need to support other students in need of the same encouragement
and direction. If you are interested in coming back and serving as a mentor in our program, please let
me know. If you are staying in the area, we could work to create a flexible schedule that works with
school and/or work obligations you have. And if you are moving away to college, consider the
possibility of volunteering as a virtual mentor.
I look forward to hearing from you!
[ASPIRE Coordinator Contact]
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Volunteer Recruitment: Sample Letter to Businesses
Dear [Insert Business Contact],
ASPIRE Oregon’s statewide career and college readiness program that offers education, resources, and
mentoring for students. Statistics show that employment rates and lifetime earning rates correlate
with the amount of education one receives. Education helps build a stable path for both individuals
and for the community.
Our ASPIRE program brings together adults who are excited to mentor students and help them create
a path for their future.
There are many ways you can be involved:
Become an ASPIRE mentor working with students one-on-one to help them identify and create
a plan for their future
Recruit others from your industry to serve as ASPIRE mentors
Donate resources to your ASPIRE program at (Insert: Name of school or organization)
Be a guest career presenter
This is an opportunity for you to invest in your community. If you are interested in volunteering as an
ASPIRE mentor or supporting our program in other ways, please reach out! I am happy to connect
with you to clarify any questions you may have about our ASPIRE program and the opportunities I
have shared.
Thank you for your consideration,
ASPIRE Coordinator [ASPIRE Coordinator Contact]
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Volunteer Recruitment: Sample Letter to Parents
Dear [Insert Name of Parent/Caregiver/Community Member]:
The ASPIRE program at (Insert: Name of school or organization) helps educate students to become
career and college ready. Our center offers education, resources, and mentoring opportunities for all
students. Student supports include 1:1 and group mentoring, activities or events that focus on career
exploration, career and college research, admissions applications, scholarships, and financial aid.
We are looking for individuals who are passionate about helping our students prepare for their future.
We want to invite you to become part of our ASPIRE Mentor Team. The great thing is, as a parent you
will be learning and gaining a lot of knowledge about the career and college process as you assist
students. This becomes a great benefit when your own children start planning for their futures. You
will be up to speed about the process, deadlines, and supports and resources available to your student!
One parent expressed:
“I am helping students in the ASPIRE program…AND I have two kids in high school, so I can also help
them as they start to work on their goals.” – ASPIRE Mentor
You don’t have to be an expert; you just have to be willing to make a difference. All we ask is that
ASPIRE mentors excited and eager to help students reach their goals.
Interested? Or would you like to know more? Please reach out! I will be happy to connect with you and
clarify any questions you may have about this volunteer opportunity. Additionally, if you are
interested, I am happy to discuss a flexible volunteer schedule that will work for your schedule.
I look forward to hearing from you!
[ASPIRE Coordinator Contact]
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Joe Smith [Name your ASPIRE Mentor] is an ASPIRE Coordinator and College and Center Coordinator
at Sam Barlow High School [Name your ASPIRE site]. Each day she works with adult volunteers who
help students explore career and educational pathways and apply for scholarship and grants. She says:
[use your mentor quote] “I love mentoring students and being a part of their decision-making process.
Their success becomes my success. Sometimes they do not think it is possible and I get to convince
them otherwise. Whether it’s a financial challenge or a family barrier or any other kind of barrier, I get
to challenge all of their fears and let them see, education beyond high school is possible.”
ASPIRE is Oregon’s statewide career and college readiness program that offers education, resources,
and mentoring for students while helping them create a plan for their future. Mentors become the key
to the students’ success. Simple things, from helping research career and educational options to
following up on deadlines, opens a world of possibilities for students. ASPIRE mentors consistently
find the experience both rewarding and impactful.
One ASPIRE volunteer mentor said, “Many people want to contribute to their communities in one way
or another; ASPIRE provides a unique opportunity to contribute to the future of a community.”
Interested in getting involved? Contact (Insert: Name of school or organization) [ASPIRE
Coordinator/Contact Info:
e-mail, and phone number
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
“Applying and figuring out the steps for college is stressful! Luckily, I had the most amazing mentor
who helped me. Without her I wouldn’t be attending one of my dream schools. My mentor goes above
and beyond for every student she works with and I couldn’t have had someone better to help me with
– ASPIRE Student
ASPIRE is Oregon’s statewide career and college readiness program that offers education, resources,
and mentoring for students while helping them create a plan for their future. Mentors become the key
to the students’ success. Simple things, from helping research career and educational options to
following up on deadlines, opens a world of possibilities for students. These mentors are critical and
often in short supply.
Mentors don’t have to be experts or even a college graduate, “My mentor was the best! Sometimes, I
would ask her a question and she would say ‘I don’t know’ and then we would both jump on the
computer and search for the answer. Sometimes we might even make a call to the admissions or
financial aid office of colleges I was interested in to get specific information. I loved that I didn’t have
to do everything on my own and my mentor was there to help!” said one ASPIRE student.
Become a mentor and make a difference in the future of your community. The time commitment is
flexible; ASPIRE Coordinators can work within your schedule. Students need consistent and patient
volunteers who truly care about them.
Contact (Insert: Name of school or organization) ASPIRE Coordinator [ASPIRE Coordinator/Contact
e-mail, and phone number
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Hi there,
ASPIRE is Oregon’s statewide career and college readiness program that offers education, resources,
and mentoring for students. [Insert: Name of school or organization]’s ASPIRE mentor program offers
one-on-one mentoring to students as they create a plan for life after high school. We are in need of
community volunteers to serve our students as ASPIRE mentors.
Interested in volunteering? Volunteer mentors help students:
Research and explore career options
Apply for college and financial aid
Review and edit college application Essays
Consider apprenticeship, trade, or workforce programs
Become a mentor and make a difference in the life of a student. The time commitment is flexible;
ASPIRE Coordinators can work within your schedule. Students need consistent and patient volunteers
who truly care about them.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or to learn more about ASPIRE.
Contact [ASPIRE Coordinator/Contact Info: e-mail, and phone number]
© Copyright 2022, Oregon Student Access Commission, All rights reserved. If you wish to make copies for
educational purposes, contact the ASPIRE program at (541) 687-7400.
Sample Radio Script to Recruit Volunteers
High school students often struggle with knowing
what to do after high school. Students are forced to
make difficult decisions about their future, and many
don’t know how to navigate their options. The
program helps educate Oregon students to become
career and college ready. Mentors support students,
explore career options, and consider educational
opportunities. ASPIRE needs volunteers like you to
help students create a plan for a successful future.
Impact your community today by volunteering as an
ASPIRE Mentor. Visit Oregon student aid dot gov, that
is Oregon student aid dot gov and click ASPIRE to find
out more.