(617) 625-6600 EXT. 2581 FAX: 617-591-3233
Disclaimer This guidance constitutes general information and does not constitute legal
advice. It is not a substitute for advice specific to a particular situation, nor does it mention
every aspect of the law that may apply to a particular situation. For specific questions,
tenants should contact an attorney.
1. What is the Housing Stability Notification Act?
The Housing Stability Notification Act (HSNA) aims to promote the housing stability of
Somerville residents by requiring landlords to provide tenants with Notice of tenants’ rights
and resources (hereinafter both collectively “Notice”) in the event that a landlord is ending a
This HSNA also requires foreclosing owners (owners of a foreclosed upon property such as
banks or those who purchase from banks) to provide the same Notice to former owners who
are facing eviction.
2. When did this Act become effective?
The HSNA became effective on December 26, 2019. See the important note in the answer to
Question 4 below.
Prepared by the Somerville Office of Housing Stability.
Updated December 2020
3. Why was this Act passed?
This Act was passed to ensure that tenants/former homeowners understand their rights when
their tenancy or residential occupancy is terminated and are informed about agencies that
may be able to assist them. In many cases agencies can assist tenants to obtain funding to pay
back-rent or services necessary to stabilize tenancies and avoid evictions. In addition, based
on statewide statistics, only 8% of tenants have legal representation in eviction actions and
more than 70% of landlords are represented. Where it is not possible to resolve eviction
issues pre-Court, HSNA will provide tenants/former owners a better opportunity to obtain
advice and/or representation.
4. As a landlord, what are my responsibilities under this new Act?
When a landlord/foreclosing owner serves a tenant/former homeowner any notice to quit or
notice of lease nonrenewal or expiration, they must also simultaneously provide a Notice of
tenants’ housing rights and resources.
This Notice must include a list, with contact information, of organizations available to assist
tenants/former homeowners. Note: This list and information on tenants’ rights in eviction
actions will be prepared by, and available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole
at The documents should be provided in your tenant’s primary
language, if known.
Where a landlord is exercising their right of lease nonrenewal or expiration, the above-
referenced Notice must be provided to the tenant/former owner with any notice of lease
non-renewal, or, if no such notice is served, at least 30 days in advance of filing any court
eviction action against a tenant. The Notice must be sent in-hand or by certified mail.
Important: A landlord must immediately send the required Notice to all tenants and former
homeowners who have been served with notices to quit, notices of lease expiration or non-
renewal, or summary process, or other court eviction complaints PRIOR to the effective date
of this Ordinance unless a final judgment of possession against the tenant or former
homeowner has issued (or the tenant/former homeowner moved out).
5. What does this mean for me as a tenant?
In the event that your landlord serves you with a notice to quit or notice of lease nonrenewal
or expiration, you should, at the same time, also be given the Notice of tenants’ rights and
resources. The Notice will explain your rights in an eviction and provide information regarding
Prepared by the Somerville Office of Housing Stability.
Updated December 2020
agencies that may be able to assist you during the eviction process and/or assist you with
searching for new housing. Please feel free to reach out to the Office of Housing Stability with
any questions or concerns. Request OHS services online, or call our intake line at 617-625-
6600 Ext. 2581.
6. What do I need to do as a tenant if I do not receive the required information when I am
served with a notice to quit, notice of lease non-renewal, or thirty days prior to
receipt of a court eviction complaint?
The HSNA is enforced by the Inspectional Services Department (ISD). ISD will issue a ticket to
your landlord if the required information is not provided to you and you properly report a
violation of the Act. (See Question 10 below) In order for a ticket to issue, you will need to do
the following:
A. Call 311 and explain that you are calling to report a violation of the Housing
Stability Notification Act.
B. You will need to provide ISD with written proof of your tenancy such as your
lease, rent receipts, or your name on a notice to quit or court complaint (other
items proving your tenancy may be accepted).
C. You will also need to provide ISD with a copy of the Notice to Quit or Court
For help with this process, please call the Office of Housing Stability at 617-625-6600 Ext.
2581 or call 311 and ask for the Office of Housing Stability.
7. Who has to comply with this Act?
This Act applies to all landlords/foreclosing owners of rental units/housing accommodations in
the City of Somerville where a notice to quit or other notice of lease nonrenewal or expiration
has been served or should have been served on the tenant/former homeowner of any such
rental unit/ housing accommodation. If no notice to quit is served, the Notice must be served
at least thirty days prior to filing an eviction action in Court. If you are a landlord/foreclosing
owner intending to end a tenancy or post-foreclosure occupancy of a unit, this Act applies to
8. Is anyone exempt from these requirements?
Yes. Properties which are (1) in any hospital, skilled nursing facility or health facility (2) in a
nonprofit facility whose primary purpose is providing short-term treatment, assistance or
Prepared by the Somerville Office of Housing Stability.
Updated December 2020
therapy for alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse are exempt from the requirements of this
9. Can this requirement ever be waived?
No. The requirements of this Act may not be waived, and any term of any lease, contract, or
other agreement that purports to waive or limit a tenant’s or former homeowner’s
substantive or procedural rights under this ordinance are contrary to public policy,
unenforceable, and void.
10. As a landlord, do I still need to provide this Notice if my tenants are tenants at-will?
Yes. All tenants and other lawful occupants including post-foreclosure former homeowners
must be provided with the required Notice.
11. What happens if, as a landlord, I do not comply?
Each failure to comply with the requirements set forth in this Act with respect to an occupant
entitled to Notice shall be deemed a separate offense triggering a separate warning or fine.
Unless otherwise provided, a person or entity violating any provisions of this Ordinance shall
be punishable by a warning or fine in accordance with the provisions of Somerville Code of
Ordinances Section 1-11, shown below.
Enforcing Personnel
Housing Stability Notification
Act (Sec. 7-286)
1st offense: warning
2nd and subsequent offenses:
Police, Inspectional Services