Web EFT-to-API Migration Updates
May 15, 2024
Copyright 2024 FINRA
Reminder Web EFT Sunset
o Web EFT will be sunset on November 15, 2024. All currently available XML reports
and batch upload functionality will be COMPLETELY RETIRED as of that date.
o All existing XML reports and functionality will continue to be available until the sunset date.
o Limited XML schema updates only when absolutely necessary.
o All firms wishing to continue automating registration data transfers MUST transition
to using the new FINRA API platform.
o This includes firms who may utilize a third-party vendor. After the firm onboards to the new
platform, they can then create and share credentials with the vendor.
o Refer to the Web EFT sunset page on the DFO website for full roadmap and other
resources: https://developer.finra.org/webeftsunset
Copyright 2024 FINRA
Onboarding to the API Platform
o Detailed steps are provided on the DFO website, including links to screenshots:
o https://developer.finra.org/APICredentials
o Summary of process:
o SAA requests admin access to API Console in FINRA Gateway (form available at link above).
o SAA grants “User” entitlement to API Console to themselves and others.
o Users with console access are then able to create API credentials (including for vendors).
o Invoices available in E-Bill a month after creating first credential.
o Please coordinate with team/individual listed under Firm Billing Info”.
o For more about fees, including for affiliate firms, see FAQs at the bottom of this page:
o After provisioning the first production machine-to-machine credential, access to the
QA API Console can be requested by following the steps here:
o https://developer.finra.org/docs#getting_started-api_platform_basics-qa_test_environment
Copyright 2024 FINRA
Help Getting Started
o Information about authorization, headers, troubleshooting, etc.:
o https://developer.finra.org/docs#getting_started-api_platform_basics-authorization
o Sample API call using Postman:
o https://developer.finra.org/UsingPostmantocalltheFINRAAPIPlatform
o Recorded webinars for Form U4 and Composite Individual:
o https://developer.finra.org/webinars
o Support FAQs:
o https://developer.finra.org/support
o Explore non-registration datasets included in your subscription:
o https://developer.finra.org/catalog
Copyright 2024 FINRA
Suggested Use of Individual Datasets
Use Composite Individual Seed
dataset for initial database population
(not intended to be used regularly)
Call Individual Delta on a chosen
cadence to receive a list CRD #’s who
have had changes since the last call
Use the list of CRD #’s to call the
Composite Individual dataset and
download updates for each individual
Copyright 2024 FINRA
Suggested Submission API Workflow
Registration API
U4 Submission
Individual Delta
U5 Submission
Copyright 2024 FINRA
Recent API Developments
o Updates to Composite Individual and Delta: Enhancements and fixes.
o https://developer.finra.org/release-notes/april-19-2024-release-notes
o Includes switch from using "&filters=" to using "&sections=".
o Go-Live for All Branch Endpoints: Form BR and related functionality.
o https://developer.finra.org/news/announcing-launch-branch-related-api-endpoint
o Composite Branch Dataset (mapping provided in eftReportAttributeNamefields)
o Branch Delta Dataset (same concept as Individual Delta)
o Branch List Dataset (used to get info for all branches, no branch seed file)
o Form BR Submission (includes all filing types)
o Updates to Branch Endpoints: Fixes to Composite Branch and Delta
o https://developer.finra.org/release-notes/may-9th-2024-release-notes
Copyright 2024 FINRA
Residential Supervisory Location (RSL)
o RSL-related changes targeted for June 1, 2024:
o In support of rules changes described in Notice 24-02.
o Form U4 submission changes already available to test:
o https://developer.finra.org/news/residential-supervisory-location-rsl-related-updates-u4-
o Updates to Composite Individual dataset targeted to be available in QA on or about
May 13.
o Due to impending sunset, no impacts are planned for Web EFT.
Copyright 2024 FINRA
API Communications
o Web EFT sunset milestones, FAQS, and previous webinar slides are posted online:
o https://developer.finra.org/webeftsunset
o For questions not already answered online: api_developer@finra.org
o Webinars are planned for the third Wednesday of each month from 1-2pm ET
through November 2024.
o Agendas and connection information will be sent monthly via broadcast email.
o Office hours will typically be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month
through November 2024 for technology staff to discuss development topics.
o Exact dates and times will be included in each invitation, along with registration link.
(Continue sending XML batch questions to WebEFT.Support@finra.org.)
Copyright 2024 FINRA