UI Extension Community Data Tools
Customizing your county brochure or PowerPoint presentation
The county brochure and PowerPoint (PPt) presentation templates can be tailored to fit your own
How to choose which indicators to use
Think about the story you want to tell as you work with your county brochure and PPt
presentation. To choose which indicators to include in your brochure or presentation, ask the
following questions:
Which indicators are of most interest to the audience or best fit the topic you have chosen
to discuss?
Which indicators have shown the most change over time?
Which indicators stand out when compared to the state, the nation, or to neighboring
Which indicators surprise you?
If you want to add indicators to your brochure or presentation that are not found on the Indicators
Idaho website, feel free to add them (remember to add the correct citation). Additional data can
be found by exploring the same data sources used for the indicators on the Indicators
Idaho website, by looking at other online data sources, or by contacting local data sources.
Possibilities for online and local data sources can be found in "Online data sources" and "Local data
Do not forget to update your data
One difficulty of using data is that it is always changing as new data are released or older data are
revised. Keep checking the Indicators Idaho website for new data and incorporate them into your
county brochure or PPt presentation to keep them current. If you use other data sources, be sure
to check for new data before giving a presentation or printing copies of the brochure.
Resources for editing your county brochure
The work of gathering and presenting the information for your county has already been done for
you. Look closely to see if you are satisfied with the current brochure. If so, you are ready to print
and distribute additional copies. If you want to add or change information, you can edit the
brochure using Microsoft Publisher. Be sure to save the new brochure as a separate document so
you can go back to the original if necessary.
To replace a chart in the brochure with a different or updated one that you see online, right-click
on the online chart and choose "Save picture as." Save the chart to your computer's Desktop or
other location, go to the brochure and right-click on the chart you would like to replace. Choose
"Change picture | From file" and then select the chart you just saved. This will replace the chart
at the exact same size as the original chart so you do not have to resize to make it fit.
UI Extension Community Data Tools
How to fill in the presentation template
The PPt presentation is meant to serve as a basic template, which you can use to design a
presentation. As is, the template is much too large to be used in its entirety. Your job will be to
pick and choose those indicators that best tell the story of your county. For some counties, picking
indicators will be an easy task. For others, it will take some work.
For each indicator, go to the Indicators Idaho website, select your state and county, and select
the appropriate indicator. Then, you can copy and paste the correct text and charts to fit the
blanks in the template. To copy text, highlight the text you'd like to use, copy it, and then paste
it in your presentation in the correct spot. To copy a chart, place your mouse's cursor over it and
right-click. Then, select "Copy." Go to your presentation document, click where you'd like to place
the chart, and then Paste the chart. You can then move the chart if needed.
The presentation includes much more text than most people would want to use in a presentation.
Slides for the final presentation should be as simple and straightforward as possible. Much of the
extraneous text in the presentation template can be moved to the Notes section of the
presentation. This lets you have each indicator's background information handy as you give your
Resources for working with PowerPoint
The University of Idaho Distance & Extended Education Help provides an online PPt Tutorial. It has
information and short videos on how to insert images, create templates, and more. If you need
help working with PPt, view this tutorial at: