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Placement Test Study Guide
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Table of Contents
Test Taking Tips ............................................................................................................................. 3
Prepare ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Read the directions carefully ...................................................................................................... 4
Subject Area Tests .......................................................................................................................... 4
Arithmetic (17 questions): .......................................................................................................... 4
Algebra (12 questions): ............................................................................................................... 4
Reading (30 questions): .............................................................................................................. 5
Sentence Skills (20 questions): ................................................................................................... 5
Tips on Improving your writing ...................................................................................................... 5
Sample Questions............................................................................................................................ 7
Arithmetic Sample Questions: .................................................................................................... 7
Algebra Sample Questions:......................................................................................................... 9
Reading Sample Questions: ...................................................................................................... 11
Sentence Skills Sample Questions: ........................................................................................... 17
Answer Keys: ................................................................................................................................ 18
Arithmetic: ................................................................................................................................ 18
Algebra:..................................................................................................................................... 18
Reading: .................................................................................................................................... 18
Sentence Skills: ......................................................................................................................... 19
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Test Taking Tips
Take practice assessments and study areas of weakness. An effective study resource
provided by McCann can be found here: http://iseek.com/#/web. This educational
remedial resource is provided at no charge. McCann's iseek.ai uses our natural language
understanding patents to conduct searches, thereby greatly improving the quality of
resources provided (e.g., Khan Academy), and minimizing the number of search results
returned. “Learn Faster, Learn Better…”
If you need a calculator while you practice, use a standard four-function calculator
(sample below), which will be available during the assessment.
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Read the directions carefully
When you take the assessments, make sure to take your time and carefully follow the
instructions for each question.
Use reasoning when answering
Identify the key phrase in the question.
Try to find the correct answer before you read all the choices.
Eliminate the choices that you know are not correct.
Read all the choices and pick the best answer.
Be sure to review each answer carefully before submitting. You will not be able to go
back to any questions.
Subject Area Tests
There are four multiple choice tests. There may also be a written essay portion. The content that
is covered in the multiple choice tests are listed below by subject:
Arithmetic (17 questions):
NumbersCompare numbers, use algorithms, solve problems, and estimate.
ExpressionsSimplify and evaluate.
EquationsSolve and graph.
CoordinatesTranslate between an equation and a line, including slope, and solve geometric
StatisticsDraw statistical conclusions based on data, include mean, median, and mode.
Algebra (12 questions):
EquationsUnderstand a problem and formulate an equation to solve it, solve equations in
one variable using manipulations guided by the rules of arithmetic and the properties of
equality, rearrange formulas to isolate a quantity of interest.
FunctionsAnalyze functions using symbolic manipulation, use the families of linear and
exponential functions to solve problems.
ExpressionsSee structure in expressions, manipulate simple expressions, define variables
and write an expression to represent a quantity in a problem, interpret an expression that
represents a quantity in terms of the context.
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Reading (30 questions):
Main IdeaIdentify the stated or implied main idea of a passage.
Ideas and DetailsRecognize significant details that answer the questions who, what, when,
where, why, and how.
Evidence, Claims, and SupportRecognize and evaluate evidence offered in support of a
RelationshipsUnderstand relationships within and between sentences.
Text StructureIdentify organizational patterns in a passage.
InferencesMake inferences, generalizations, and predictions and draw conclusions.
PurposeDetermine the author's purpose and point of view.
ComparisonMake comparisons and distinctions between two passages on the same topic.
MeaningDetermine the meaning and impact of context-dependent words, phrases, and
Sentence Skills (20 questions):
Recognizing Complete SentencesDemonstrate fluency in sentence completion, sentence
revision, and sentence structure.
Coordination/SubordinationRecognize and use conditional sentences and combine
sentences effectively.
Clear Sentence LogicDemonstrate proper use of modifiers, possessives, prepositions,
subject/verb agreement, verb/adverb use, verb/word tense, word choice, and word order.
Tips on Improving your writing
Step One: Decide how to Draft the type of Document You want to Write
The first decision you have to make is what type of document you plan to write. This is
important because different documents often require different writing styles and/or structures. A
professional, analytic research paper is very different from a persuasive essay.
Step Two: Fill Your Document with Meaningful Content
Now that you know more about the document you need to write, you can begin to draft your
document. As you begin to write, don’t focus on the formatting or grammar just yet. Just
write. Keep your ideas flowing and try to get as much information written as you can. You can
trim it later, but for now, just write!
Step Three: Focus on the components of writing
Focusing on style, content, focus, and organization, greatly simplify the writing process. Once
you’ve completed a draft, review the various components of your writing individually.
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Step Four: Check Your Document for Mechanics, Grammar, and Usage Errors
Once you’re comfortable with the content in your document, it is time to make sure your writing
adheres to the rules of Standard English. Thoroughly review your document for mechanics,
grammar, and usage errors.
Step Five: Read your document out loud
For most writers, it can be difficult to make an objective evaluation of their own writing. The
longer we spend writing our document and the more we like what we’ve written, the harder it is
for us to objectively answer, “How good is it really?”
One tried and true method writers use to “hear” their words objectively is to read the document
out loud. Read your work slowly and clearly out loud. You’ll find hearing your words will
make you think differently about your writing.
Step Six: Write, write, write
The more you write the better writer you become. Most writing assessments are aligned with
either persuasive or informative writing. Practice your writing aligned with these genres. The
old adage that “practice makes perfect” aligns well with writing.
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Sample Questions
Arithmetic Sample Questions:
1. Choose the fraction that correctly fits the number sentence.
2. "A number divided by 4" can be written as
B.   
C.   
D.   
3. In the equation , what is the value of ?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
4. Quadrilateral  has vertices (0, 0), (4, 0), and (4, 3). If  is a rectangle,
what must be the coordinates of vertex?
A. (0, 3)
B. (0, 4)
C. (3, 0)
D. (3, 4)
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5. What is the mean of the following set of numbers?
2, 5, 11, 14, 18
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 16
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Algebra Sample Questions:
1. In one season, the New England Patriots won 14 football games and lost 2 games. Which
number sentence should be used to find the percentage () of all games played that
season that were wins?
A. 
B.   
C.   
D.     
2. Solve for .
A. 26
B. 34
C. 46
D. 53
3. At the local document copying store, a copy machine can produce an average of 74 pages
per minute. If the store has copy machines, which function shows how many copies can
be produced in a 24-hour period at the store?
  
    
    
    
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4. The work rates for a local plumber are shown in the table.
Plumber Rates
(in dollars)
Which expression can be used to determine the charge for hours of work?
A. 
B.  
C.  
  
5. Which of the following word problems can be solved by using the expression ?
A. Jim divided 25 movie tickets evenly among his friends. If is the number of friends,
how many movie tickets did each one get?
B. In one week a movie theater sold 25 packets of tickets. If is the number of tickets in
each packet, how many tickets were sold altogether?
C. A packet of 25 tickets contains equal amounts of each movie. If is the number of
movies, how many tickets for each movie does the packet contain?
D. A small gift packet of movie tickets has 25 fewer tickets than a large packet. If is
the number of tickets in a large packet, how many tickets are in a small packet?
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Reading Sample Questions:
Read the selection and answer the question.
The Old Juniper Tree
by Robert Fulghum
There is a tree. At the downhill edge of a long, narrow field in the western foothills of
the La Sal Mountainssoutheastern Utah. A particular tree. A juniper. Large for its
speciesmaybe twenty feet tall and two feet in diameter. For perhaps three hundred
years this tree has stood its ground. Flourishing in good seasons, and holding on in bad
times. "Beautiful" is not a word that comes to mind when one first sees it. No naturalist
would photograph it as exemplary of its kind. Twisted by wind, split and charred by
lightning, scarred by brushfires, chewed on by insects, and pecked by birds. Human
beings have stripped long strings of bark from its trunk, stapled barbed wire to it in using
it as a corner post for a fence line, and nailed signs on it on three sides: NO HUNTING,
NO TRESPASSING; PLEASE CLOSE THE GATE. In commandeering this tree as a
corner stake for claims of rights and property, miners and ranchers have hacked signs and
symbols in its bark, and left Day-Glo™ orange survey tape tied to its branches. Now it
serves as one side of a gate between an alfalfa field and open range. No matter what, in
drought, flood, heat, and cold it has continued. There is rot and death in it near the
ground. But at the greening tips of its upper branches and in its berrylike seed cones,
there is yet the outreach of life.
I respect this old juniper tree. For its age, yes. And for its steadfastness in taking
whatever is thrown at it. That it has been useful in a practical way beyond itself counts
for much, as well. Most of all, I admire its capacity for self-healing beyond all accidents
and assaults. There is a will in ittoward continuing to be, come what may.
From UH-OH by Robert Fulghum, copyright © 1991 by Robert Fulghum. Used by permission of Villard
Books, a division of Random House, Inc.
1. Read the following sentences from "The Old Juniper Tree."
I respect this old juniper tree. For its age, yes. And for its steadfastness in taking
whatever is thrown at it.
The best definition for the word steadfastness is
A. skill.
B. constancy.
C. eagerness.
D. consciousness.
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Read the selection and answer the question.
Painting a Window
(1) Decorating a window with a painted scene from nature might be of interest to
you. (2) If you like to see nature outside your window, but you don't have a scene of real
nature, you may want to try this idea. (3) Before you begin, be sure to ask your parents if
it is okay.
(4) The first step you should take is to purchase a paintbrush and powder paints in
the colors that you enjoy. (5) When you have your supplies, mix the paints, place
newspaper on your windowsill, and make sure your window is clean. (6) On the inside of
your window, it is important to do your decorating because rain may wash away outdoor
(7) Use your imagination and begin painting a scene from nature on your window.
(8) A sun, grass, trees, and flowers are good things to paint. (9) If you have a big window
you may want to paint other things. (10) Painting people, balloons, and playground
equipment on a window might be a fun idea. (11) When you are finished, stand back and
look at your decorated window. (12) If you like the results, share the idea of window
painting with someone else.
2. The student explains that a big window may require some extra painting. The student
supports this idea by
A. suggesting painting techniques.
B. describing types of supplies to buy.
C. offering suggestions of pictures to paint.
D. explaining the steps of window painting.
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Read the selection and answer the question.
The Magic of Harry
Harry Houdini was a man who astonished and enthralled many people during his life.
Whether he was escaping from a padlocked box or making things disappear and reappear,
he definitely was entertaining. People thought that he must truly have some supernatural
powers, but in fact, what Harry really had was drive.
Harry was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1874. His real name was Ehrich Weiss and
he was the third of five children. His family moved to Wisconsin not long after he was
born and by the time he was nine, he was tying ropes all over his backyard and learning
amazing trapeze tricks to show his friends and neighbors. He visited the local locksmith,
and when he had reached his teens he could pick almost any lock that was made. He also
learned how to do card tricks. He and his brother, Theo, would often entertain at local
parties and clubs for extra money.
When Ehrich was 16, he came across a book that would literally change his life: the
biography of France's greatest magician, Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin. It showed Ehrich
that his hobby of magic and tricks could also be a career. Immediately, he changed his
name to Harry Houdini. He and Theo headed out to make a living as magicians.
In 1893, they were at the Chicago World's Fair, and after that they traveled around
giving magic shows for anyone willing to listen and pay. Theo grew restless, however, as
the jobs became scarce, so he left. His timing was perfect since Harry had just fallen in
love with a lovely woman named Bess who was just the right size for slipping in and out
of the trunk they used in their magic tricks. They married immediately and then off they
went, traveling with circuses and other road shows. Harry learned more and more tricks
and spent much of his time reading and studying all kinds of locks, especially handcuffs.
However, no matter what tricks they did or how hard they tried, Bess and Harry were not
doing well. They tried to sell their shows for seven years and finally, in desperation, they
went to Europe.
It was the right move. Harry's persistence and constant practice were about to pay off.
To get people's attention, he walked into police stations and offered to be handcuffed by
all the policemen. They were shocked when he was loose only seconds later. Soon,
everyone in Europe was talking about Houdini's astounding feats. He was in high demand
and found himself doing more and more dangerous acts. He escaped from a straitjacket
hanging upside down over the street; he escaped from locked boxes of all kinds; and, of
course, he got out of any kind of handcuffs put on him.
After several years in Europe, Bess and Harry returned to the United States in
triumph. Harry was doing such amazing tricks that people felt he must have special
powers. However, few realized how much time he spent practicing and studying. He
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would do special exercises to keep his body strong, and he would do tricks with his
fingers to keep them nimble and flexible. He would spend large amounts of time tying
and untying knotswith his toes! For his underwater tricks, he would get in the bathtub
and practice holding his breath for longer and longer times. Since many of his tricks
involved being plunged into icy water, he would pour buckets of ice in the tub to get
accustomed to working in the cold.
The reason that Harry Houdini was such a success was that he practiced and prepared
for whatever might happen. When a college student punched him in the abdomen in
1926, however, he wasn't prepared. The punch did internal damage that not even this
magician could get out of. Harry died in 1926 at 52 years of agea master of his trade
and a true legend.
3. Houdini decided to become a magician after he
A. learned to pick a lock.
B. learned to do card tricks.
C. started entertaining at local parties.
D. read a book about a famous magician.
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Read the selection and answer the question.
"The Railway Train"
by Emily Dickinson
I like to see it lap the miles,
And lick the valleys up,
And stop to feed itself at tanks;
And then, prodigious, step
Around a pile of mountains, 5
And, supercilious, peer
In shanties by the sides of roads;
And then a quarry pare
To fit its sides, and crawl between,
Complaining all the while 10
In horrid, hooting stanza;
Then chase itself down hill
And neigh like Boanerges;
Then, punctual as a star,
Stopdocile and omnipotent 15
At its own stable door.
Source: Dickinson, Emily. "The Railway Train." The Compete Poems of Emily
Dickinson. Boston: Little, Brown, 1960. (1893)
4. Which of the following best describes the tone of the poem?
A. Playful
B. Ardent
C. Sinister
D. Indifferent
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5. Read the sentence and choose the word that best fits in the blank.
The long walk from the parking lot may have caused some to complain, but it did not
________ Carla at all; in fact, she enjoyed it.
A. blister
B. bother
C. bolster
D. blunder
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Sentence Skills Sample Questions:
1. Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
The World Cup is the most popular sporting event in the world, ________ not the
most popular sporting event in the United States.
A. so
B. but
C. because
D. however
2. Choose the best word or words to replace the underlined words in the sentence.
Yesterday, I will go to the museum to see the new exhibit.
A. had went
B. will be going
C. went
D. have gone
3. Choose the answer that shows apostrophes used correctly.
A. The sign in the store window read, “Todays Special Apple’s Half Price.”
B. Is that yours’ or Stevens?
C. Don’t come in here with those muddy boots!
D. Lets’ go for a ride in Dannys’ car.
4. Read the following sentences and answer the question.
The students were tired. The students were up all night studying their textbooks.
Which of the following choices best combines the two sentences?
A. The students, being tired, were up all night studying their textbooks.
B. The students were up all night studying their textbooks, yet they are tired.
C. The students were tired, but they were up all night studying their textbooks.
D. The students were tired because they were up all night studying their textbooks.
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Answer Keys:
Compare numbers and make sense of their magnitude.
See structure in expressions.
Solve equations in one variable using manipulations guided by the rules of
arithmetic and the properties of equality.
Use coordinates to solve geometric problems.
Draw statistical conclusions involving population means or proportions
using sample data.
Understand a problem and formulate an equation to solve it.
Solve equations in one variable using manipulations guided by the rules of
arithmetic and the properties of equality.
Analyze functions using symbolic manipulation.
Define variables and write an expression to represent a quantity in a
Interpret an expression that represents a quantity in terms of the context.
Determine what is meant by words and phrases in context, including
connotative meanings and figurative language.
Evaluate the reasoning and rhetoric that support an argument or explanation,
including assessing whether the evidence provided is relevant and sufficient.
Determine both what the text says explicitly and what can be inferred
logically from the text.
Analyze how specific word choices shape the meaning and tone of the text.
Choose words and phrases to express ideas precisely and concisely.
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Sentence Skills:
Recognize and maintain proper sentence structure.
Maintain proper verb tense.
Use possessives correctly.
Effectively combine sentences using coordination or subordination.